16. Christmas

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They had decided that they would research Animagus after the Christmas holidays.

James' parents had booked a huge tent on the outskirts for all of them to play quidditch and relax. Fleamont taught all of them to fish. They had camp fires at night. Euphemia taught all of them advanced level spells, transfigurations and potions.

On Christmas' eve, they all kept their presents below the tree in piles. Euphemia and Fleamont had bought all of them books which they knew the marauders would like. James had bought all 6 of them matching pajamas and scarves. Lily and Remus, together, had bought each of them homework reminders. Peter had bought all of them Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans and Chocolate Frogs. Severus had bought all of them Potion kits. Sirius had gifted everyone including Euphemia and Fleamont different pranking kits from Zonkos.

It was the best Christmas Sirius had had in years. Each night, they sat toasting marshmallows near the campfire and discussing new pranks. When their holidays ended, they were pretty sad to go back. But they were also excited for all the work they had to do.

Author's Note: Sorry for the short chapter. Hope you liked it.

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