15. Hospital Wing

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While Remus was in the hospital wing, the marauders had a very important discussion by his bedside. They were thinking about ways in which they could protect Remus from hurting himself in such a manner again. The conversation was something like this:-

Peter: What if we attach pillows to Remus' body before each transformation?

Lily: His height and size grows when he transforms. The pillows won't work then.

Sirius: What if we put him in a big bubble which he can't break even in his transformed form?

James: How does that stop him hurting himself ?

Peter: What if we put an unbreakable charm on him?

Lily: That is illegal to do on a human being. Also, he grows in size during the transformation which will lead to him having partial protection.

Severus: What if we brew a potion ?

James: That might help him but we will have to invent one first and try it out on several other werewolves.

Sirius: What if we become animagi like Professor McGonagall?

Lily: That might work but how will we do it? We need instructions.

James: We can ask McGonagall.

Severus: Nice of you to think she will readily tell 5 underage wizards (and witch) how she became an Animagus.

Peter: What if we sneak into the restricted section and find out?

Lily: We should try searching normal areas first.

Sirius: And we can surprise Remus by turning into animagi.

Remus: I have been awake for a long time you know.

James: (acting) I thought you were dead. how I missed you!!!

Remus: Stop the crocodile tears James, I very well saw that you have written 'Little Furry Problem' on my leg's plaster and decorated it.

And so it was decided. They would try to search about the guides in the library first and then ask McGonagall as a final resort.

The 6 Marauders (Snape, Lily and the other 4)Where stories live. Discover now