10. Where-wolf ?

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Remus came back after a few days. The entire room was decorated and ready. Remus opened the door and got a huge surprise. Severus and Sirius surrounded him and lead him to the box. He opened it with tears in his eyes. They chatted for a long time before finally telling him about their discovery.

"You must think I am a monster. I am so sorry. I never had an intention to hurt you ever. I will leave Hogwarts if you don't want me here. I-" Remus was interrupted by James. "We don't care about your Lycanthropy. It isn't your fault. We saw your transformation." Severus continued, " You had no control over yourself. You hurt yourself all night." "-But I am a monster." Remus argued sadly.

Lily took over," You fold your socks, Remus. Pardon us for not being deadly scared right now. You are a wonderful person with a brilliant mind. Do you think we would abandon you for a condition which isn't your fault? We did all this because we saw what that transformation did to you, not to abandon you or anything."

When Lyall and Hope, Remus' parents, got to know about this, they sent them a big cake with a thank you written all over it. They sent the entire group sweaters and gifts every Christmas.

They group hugged him and told him that they wanted him to be happy. Remus had a teary smile on his face. James woke up late the next day. He wanted to give Remus the notes he had missed when he was in the hospital wing. Severus was waiting for him in the common room.

When he reached the Great hall, he asked Severus loud enough for Remus to hear. "Wherewolf?" "Therewolf."replied Severus and burst out giggling. If looks could kill, James and Severus would be dead. They went around pranking each other all year round. They took shifts under the invisibility cloak to watch Remus' transformations to ensure that he wasn't hurt much. They ensured that Remus wasn't tired a lot after the nights and made sure to distract the class so that Remus could get a bit of rest.

They spent a lot of time in the library thinking about the solutions for Remus not to hurt himself during the transformations. However, no solution seemed good enough.

They started including Remus in their pranks after a few days of good rest. Until then, they discussed on pranks and carried out minor pranks everyday. Once, They went to all the house common rooms and changed the colour of the furniture to Grey. Once, they convinced the metal guards in the corridors to sing different lullabies at the same time as loudly as possible.

During one of Remus' rest days, they sneaked into the kitchens and convinced the house-elves to serve all the teachers Butterbeer disguised as pumpkin juice or tea or coffee. The prank was successful and all teachers got so drunk that they had to cancel the classes for the rest of the day.

A few weeks had passed and the quidditch team had posted a notice on the common room notice board. 2 New chaser positions had opened up and James was seen on the edge of his seat till the day of the try-outs.

Author's Note: Hope you liked this chapter.

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