8. Peeves

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The group started pranking each other a few days after Remus was released. Peeves, who was impressed by them in the first year, had decided to take them in. He was like the seventh member. Once, they decided to flood the bathroom with bubbles. Lily and Peeves took the role of flooding with blue bubbles the girl's bathroom with the help of Moaning Myrtle while the boys flooded their bathrooms with pink bubbles. It worked miraculously well.

When they decided to prank the teachers, Peeves was given an important task. They filled balloons with coloured water and charmed them to levitate above the heads of their teachers such that they would burst when the person scolded someone. Peeves was supposed to distract the teachers while the group put 5 balloons on them while being under James' invisibility cloak. They were successful and most of the teachers had burst all their balloons before the break.

The teachers were clueless as to who had done it. However, they knew that it had happened when they were distracted by Peeves. So they threatened Peeves by calling the bloody baron and he gave in. The group got a week's detention cleaning the greenhouses without magic.

Peeves apologised afterwards and even helped them clean the greenhouses. They decided that they wouldn't prank the teachers anymore. They came up with more and more pranks while the teachers grew more annoyed. Once, they charmed the plates to make noise louder than usual, which resulted to the sound of a bad band playing drums during breakfast. Once, they charmed five trumpets to play different tunes all at once and created an earache for anyone who listened to it, when Remus was back from visiting his sick aunt causing a lot of free periods the entire day.

The teachers were getting annoyed of the constant pranking but they secretly enjoyed it. Once, Lily, Remus, James and Sirius all knew the answer to a question during Transfiguration. They raised their hands to answer the question and unknowingly resulted clapping in the air. They laughed for a minute straight. Since then, the group did this in each class, whenever either of them knew an answer. They constantly pranked each other.

Once, they mixed pink dye in James' shampoo and James' hair were pink for a month. To get revenge, Sirius and Severus' shampoo was mixed with neon blue dye the next day. During that month, everyone's hair got so colourful that Dumbledore decided to step in and turned McGonagall's hair Red.

It got pretty intense after that as McGonagall took revenge by turning Dumbledore's hair green. It stopped when a boy got an allergy from the dye mixed in his shampoo and Madam Pomfrey had to step in and stop this. She was a pretty caring witch but very strict.

When Remus came back to Hogwarts after visiting his sick mother, He was surprised to be greeted by a colourfully haired Great hall. He was the only normal-haired student in the school.

The Group had grown very suspicious about Remus' trips every month. They started observing Remus' behaviour every month.

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