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Author's Note:


I didn't want to end/discontinue the story but I'll tell you my reasons for it. I read stories and write sometimes...mostly read.

But I get distracted every time I sit to study. It's no one's fault except mine because I shouldn't allow things to get in the way of my studies especially in 12th Standard. I read a lot of awesome fan-fictions by wonderful authors.

I am sorry I have to end this.

However, I do not want leave you all with a question of what happened to the characters later.

So I will write and post an epilogue after I finish writing this apology and explanation.

Maybe (though that has very few chances), after I am done with 12th and in a college, I'll pick this story up again and write more. If that happens, it will most likely be after October 2022.

I hope you enjoyed reading the book.

The 6 Marauders (Snape, Lily and the other 4)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora