This Isn't the Old Me Anymore {chp 11}

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I stayed at the cafe till noon. Talking to the elders and listening to CJ complain about her boyfriend. Who supposedly was a cop in training and never had the time to do anything with her, which she would lead into Kevin and I. How it was unfair that we were younger and went to school together. That our parents so openly let us hang out without question. Pretty much complaining about how I got to spend time with my boyfriend and she didn't. Which I had to remind her Kevin and I were not a couple multiple times.

Kevin bragged to all the workers about me. It was a way to get better in with them I suppose. They did all kind of know and like me. Minus the silent girl. I was like a worker who didn't work and didn't get paid. They always said I should get a job with them, but I would just come up with some excuse. A job would be nice. I just didn't know. It would be my first job after all.

"Then we could spend even more time together!" CJ always urged. It was getting to the point of me just saying yes. I knew I would easily get the job. How do I know this? For one they all loved me, second if Kevin could get the job so could I.

Eddy text me asking if I could come over early at one instead of like seven, as he worded it. I told him of course I could. Not like I was the one working. So at noon I said bye to everyone and Kevin forced me to kiss him again before I could run off. Leaving me to walk out the doors hot and flustered. I made my way down the street and messed with my scarf. I was use to wearing scarves and now it just felt weird with the fabric rubbing against my neck and I was warmer then usual. I blushed again thinking about the night before. The whole way to Eddy's I kept thinking about Kevin and I, not taking in my surroundings. My feet made their way on the front steps of Eddy's house before I knew it and I knocked gently. I didn't even put my hand down all the way before the door opened and Eddy slammed the door pulling me in. "It's Saturday..." I spoke up.

"The party's on Monday!" I could tell he was a nerved.

"I was supposed to come tomorrow." I reminded him.

"So!" He looked at me serious for a second and I didn't reply. What was the point of trying to fight him? "Shut up sock head. My parents left this morning. How am I supposed to throw a party with a dirty house?" Parties are always dirty anyways. I don't see the point in cleaning. "You are the cleanest person I know you've got to help me clean." Sounds fun. Good thing he couldn't read my mind. The fact that Kevin knew me for less time then Eddy and could read me better then Eddy really made me question our friendship. Then again, Him and Ed were my only two real friends now.

"What do you...... Want me to clean first?"

"My room." His room? That was the last thing I wanted to clean. "You never know what can happen at a party." He smirked at me and I breathed out walking to his room in defeat. "Thanks! I'll be cleaning the living room!" Even though its already clean? More like you'll be watching television.

It took about half an hour to clean his room. After piles of dirty clothes and unused or used condoms thrown under or between his bed, that I made Eddy pick up, his room was done with the first load of laundry started in the washer. As I watched the water swirl around and thoughts filled my mind I had to stop myself. I've been acting different. This isn't the old me anymore. I don't usually have an urge to say no to someone or be sarcastic but lately.. it's been so weird. I Fixed my scarf again and left the washing room to go back to Eddy.

"You want to get something for lunch?" He asked and I nodded softly. I guess it was a way of paying me back. "Cool let's go then." I didn't ask where we were going or what it was he had in mind to eat. I'm sure that would have been a bad idea. It always was. If you questioned Eddy on anything he would just change his original plans to mess with you.

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