"Can We Get Out?" [Chp 12]

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Monday strolled into my life faster then I expected. The weekend I spent with mother, and this morning Rob was coming over. We had set up all the decorations we usually would. Mom loved to decorate. All the colors seemed to make her happy. I loved to see her smile. My mother, like I, had been through a lot. She never really went into the details of her past but I knew something must of hurt her back then. I use to think it was just my fathers passing but even after the mourning had passed her I knew there was more. 

I walked out to the kitchen early in my warm pajamas and socks on. My wrist was still sore from the day and the bruises on my neck were visible. I knew they were too. My mothers back was to me and I stepped on the tile of the kitchen floor. It was cold inside but I knew she just turned the heater on. I heard it while I was stretching, waking up. 

The kitchen smelt like wonders as I pieced together what I could say if any questions came up about my condition. I hugged myself and missed Kevin. We hadn't talked since Saturday and I missed him. Why hadn't he tried to contact me in all this time? Is he okay? Worry filled me now and not only him but my situation. The idea of meeting Rob for the first time. Would he be a good companion for my mother? The only woman who seemed to really care about my well being. I wanted him to be that to her. 

"Morning Edd," I looked at the back of my mother as she cooked.

"Morning mom.."

I swallowed a bit hard  looking her over. She was a beautiful woman to me. She dyed her hair, yes. She was afraid and i saw it. Fear of being alone. The same fear I had of what was to become of me and Kevin. She always dyed her hair the same black color and acted sweet around everyone we met. Now I worried for her, maybe even more then for myself. 

"He'll be here shortly. Edd could you please set the table." She was making pancakes. I could see and smell them. A smile creeped up on my lips and I went to set the table as she had asked. Neatly aligning everything up so they would face each other, setting my plate at the end of the table to give them distance and keep it somewhat even. 

Rob came around eight and I sat silently eating as I watched my mother laugh. Such a beautiful thing it was to see. For some reason as those moments past I felt my heart beat. How I wanted to sit and laugh like this with Kevin. Rob? I trust you with my mother. Don't let us down. 


My mother spent the day with Rob, playing, singing, decorating, and laughing. I watched them in a day dream. Front row seats to true happiness in my mothers life. My phone buzzed and my heart skipped a beat. When I pulled it from my pocket it was just an alarm to remind me the party was soon. 

In my room I put on my normal clothes. Readjusting my beanie and I caught myself looking at my reflection. Another party that Eddy was dragging me into. I took a deep breath and went to give a farewell to Rob and my mother. They sat drinking hot cocoa and talking as I left the house. 

It was a cold night this night. The wind was cold against my skin. I shivered a bit inside my sweater and pulled my scarf to cover my nose. I had moved around my sophomore year of high school. The whole Cul-de-sac had, but not Eddy. He was the only one to stay. His mother had wanted to move I believe but Eddy was hard headed, like usual, and so they stayed. 

I walked as cars and other modes of transportation passed me going to the same destination as I. Eddy, though much disliked by many of the kids, was still very popular to out peers. He had all it took to be popular it seemed. The words, the parties, the attitude. It was just him. 

I sighed pulling my scarf up again. The wind was harsh and I remembered days in the snow. Throwing snowballs, following Eddy around, collecting quarters, Kevin the bully.. Yes, Kevin the bully. Now look at him. Look at us. 

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