I don't think it's Kevin's fault for once [Chp. 15]

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"Who was that?"

"The new principal," I replied sitting next to Kevin in his car.

"Oh yeah? I've never seen him." I couldn't bring myself to look at him. I could hear how he was displeased with me and he licked his lips as if he was holding something back.

"We're having an assembly Monday to introduce him."

"Why did he talk to you? Why privately after school was over. Everyone was gone, what if he did something?"

"Why would you care?" I immediately regretted the question. I knew I had been acting up. I never use to talk back so much. Kevin went silent, I could sense his tension. "Ke-" I tried to speak.

"No, just shut up. You're right. Why should I care? Not like you mean the world to me. Get out of my car." He had parked against the sidewalk. I didn't question him; I only got out and watched him drive away. I couldn't even feel much before I was stirred by a familiar voice.

"Edd! Just the man I wanted to see." It did not sound like my mother. "Was that Kevin?" I turned to see a smiling Nazz coming down the street. I was standing in front of her house.

"oh, yes indeed it was." I fixed the strap to my book bag and smiled at her softly. It was a real smile this time. I may not enjoy her parties or how she flirts with boys at school, but when it was just us talking she was a sweet girl.

"Come inside?" She tapped the top of my nose and I followed her to her door. "The new principal is kind of eye candy isn't he?" She laughed and put the keys in her door.

I didn't reply. I still felt disgusting thinking about him for some reason. Even though he had done nothing to me.

"I'll take that as a yes." Nazz smiled back at me before she walked into her house. Taking her hair down. "Lock the door when you come in."

I had seen her house enough to know it inside and out. I walked in and locked the door as she requested. Her family was well in doubt. There was a rather large entrance to the house. The stairs that stared at you when you entered with wide openings to other rooms of the house on either side. She set her bag on the stairs and turned left of the entrance, to which I followed. This led to the kitchen. Spotless, but no scent of bleach or cleaner lingered. I looked at the walls as Nazz did what she had entered the room to do. Pictures of Nazz and her family hung in simple picture frames. The most detailed frame cased a picture of her grandmother cooking that was placed above the stove.

"I may like him again," Nazz spoke up and I turned my attention back to her. She held a glass of liquid. I could not tell what it was right away from the tinted clear color. "Kevin.. He's changed hasn't he?" I simply nodded in response as she sipped from the glass. Which I came to understand was just vitamin water. "You think he would like the new me, too?"

I didn't know what to say. She stared at the glass with uncertainty and I looked away from her. Was she getting feelings for him again? I could not understand why I was feeling this way when she asked this. I was confused, worried, and.. jealous? I gripped the strap of my bag in thought and then I heard an unexpected noise.


Nazz set her cup down and was laughing hard. Crying in laughter. She looked at me and held her chest smiling. She was trying to speak but she got choked up in her gasp between these happy fits. "o-oh.. I.. I can't." She pushes her hair back and took a deep breath to relax a bit. I was in complete silence as I watched absolutely confused at this fit.

"I don't really like him Edd. Not like that. Not one bit." She covered her mouth for a moment still calming herself down. "I don't mean to laugh. It wasn't towards you, but it's just hilarious to imagine myself falling for that guy again." She got out another glass and started filling it up with the same vitamin water. "I did see your stress, though. I can tell you two are going through a hard time and to be completely honest.." She walked to me and handed me the glass, whispering in my ear: "I don't think it's Kevin's fault for once."

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