Boy toy {Chp. 9}

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I woke up and looked at Kevin who was still asleep. I didn't want to get up since I was still laying on him and he seemed to be a pretty light sleeper by my experiences with him. I reached over to his night stand and grabbed his phone. I clicked the button on the top of turn it on. 6:52pm the white numbers wrote on the screen. I sighed and brought the phone closer to my face. Kevin didn't put a lock on his phone. 'I don't let anyone touch my phone unless I trust them.' He had told me. His cover was of him taking a selfy with a bunch of his friends at school. That didn't include me, but I was okay with that. I was to much of a nerd to hang around someone like Kevin at school.

He had a new message and I looked at Kevin. He was still fast asleep so curiously I decided to open it. It's not like anything bad would be on it. Right? The message was from Nazz asking if he was busy Saturday night. She had text him around six. It wasn't long ago. Kevin took forver to answer text anyways. I was sure he would be free. 'Yeah, what for?' I text her back and hit the send button. I wasn't sure how Kevin really text since he only called me. Which was weird. No one ever wanted to talk on the phone anymore. When he did text me it was just yes or no to questions I would ask. His phone binged and I stared at kevin again to see if he would get up. Nothing. I looked back at the messages. "I just want to talk. Is that so hard for you to do?" I wasn't sure how Kevin would act. Him and Nazz were friends. She wasn't in the group picture either though. Well kevin was to bad for Nazz and her group. "About what?" I'm sure kevin would have just went with it and not have ansked any questions after that. Now I was just curious and wondering off from just answering for him.

"How about your boy toy Double whatever." I swallowed at the name. 'Boy toy' is that was Kevin called me around her. I didn't know how to answer. I had gone too far and stuffed myself in a corner. I set his phone down and put my head back against his chest. In turn waking him up. "mm?" Kevin petted my head and yawned tapping my shoulder. Which by now I learned was his way of telling me to sit up. I sat up on him stretching my arms. At first sitting on him was weird. Since where I was sitting probably wasn't a 'friendly' place to place your bottom. Once when I tried to sit up more on him he said it was more confortable for me to sit down here. So I did and I always do. I breathed out and put my hand on the bottom of his stomach where his shirt had ridden up a bit like usual when i slept with him. 

"What time is it?" He was about to grab his phone and I spoke up quickly. 

"Around seven" I smiled at him and he turned back at me sitting up moving me a bit. "Morning?"

"It's seven at night dork. Not seven in the morning." He kissed me putting his arms around my waist and lazily laying his head on my shoulder. "I'm starving.." I put my arms around his neck and nuzzled him. We did everything a couple would. Just ..... minus the sex and name tag. 

"Well my mom didn't just hand you money for nothing.."

"She gave me enough money to pay for three days in my world. Talking about both of us." He laughed and his hands made there way up the back of my sweater. His hands were cold and I shivered. "You're really warm.." I smiled and kissed his neck. Not sure what I was really doing. Boy toy was still stuck in my head. "Alright." Kevin looked at me and moved his hands. "Let's go out somewhere.. I'm tired of always being at home."

"Sounds good to me." I got off of him and he stood up stretching and changing. "You don't need to change?" He looked back at me when he slipped his clean shirt on and shrugged. My feet found their way into my shoes and Kevins followed into his. They guided us out his door and to the living room where the teliviion was still on with no parents sitting in front of it. Out the door and down the street. The sun was pretty much down now. Always in the winter the sun was down by six. Winter break always felt like it came a little to early since the sun didn't set at that time till after we started school back. 

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