This isn't fair {Chp. 7}

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We sat down at the table. My mother had set out glass plates instead of paper. She always did when we had company. I didn't see the point. Did it really matter what we used to eat with? She went back to the kitchen to grab the food. Kevin took off his hat and smiled at me.
"Warn me now? Is she a good cook?" I laughed at his comment. 
"Yeah, I think she's pretty good."
"Chef or?"
"I wouldn't say chef." I couldn't stop giggling like a fool. At the moment I didn't really care. Kevin wasn't making fun of me like eddy would have if he was in Kevin's spot. I couldn't remember the last time I had a laugh to be quiet honest.  
"What time are you going to force me to go to bed tonight?" 8pm. That's the time I set for myself.
"Whenever you want." 
"Why don't you ever just say what you're thinking."
I say what makes the other person happy. "I do.."
"Liar it takes you so long to reply to things sometimes. You know you can be yourself around me." His words stopped me and again I stopped answering. I didn't need to be anywhere else right now. Not the cafe or his house. I just needed to be with him and my heart would go racing. He was the thing, the person who calmed me. I couln't describe it. 

All the stress that I never realized I had was faltering. Only when I laughed at his small joke did I realize what had happened to me. Laughing was something I lost. Not even Ed and Eddy had heard me make that sound in ages. It was weird to feel this way. It wasn't normal to me anymore.. I couldn't remember when it was. 

My mother had come back over and set the pork she made in front of us. Kevin looked pleased and said thank you to my mother. She smiled back sitting down still in her apron across from us. My eyes wouldn't leave her. What did she look like without that apron? I always would come home and lock myself in my room till dinner and she always was wearing one. It never crossed my mind. How blind have I been to the people around me?

She noticed my glued eyes and looked back at me. I sat up and looked at Kevin who was taking his first bite of the hot food. "Ow.." He laughed blowing on it. The corners of my lips curled up and I served myself like we always do. "You lied Dork. She is a chef." He bumped into me laughing and I just giggled in return. 

"I'm glad you like it.." I started to cut my food into even peices being careful with every stroke. Cutting was like making perfect fractions to me. 

"Dork?" Mother seemed taken back by what Kevin said. We both looked at her confused. I thought she was talking to be. I never minded what people called me. I was so use to it now that it didn't matter. "I won't have you calling my Edd a DORK, not while you are in my house hold." She was over reacting. 

"Sorry ma'me" I looked at him and Kevin looked back at his food. Dinner was silent after that. Mom and I always sat in silence at dinner. There was nothing new, well nothing important enough to tell her but, this time I felt a quilty. A guest was over for once and I didn't warn him about name calling. I never thought about it, but I still felt like it was my fault. Before I knew it dinner was done and mom was taking our plates saying we were 'excused' from the dinner table. 

"Hey, I'm sor-"

"What did I tell you." Kevin cut me off and I didn't finish my sentence. Kevin.. You can call me whatever you want. "Are you going to finish talking?" I shook my head looking up at him and he sighed. He was mad I could tell. Or maybe annoyed. I was still learning his expressions. That one at his house still perplexed me.

"Let's go to the park." He broke the silence like always and stood up putting his hat on. 

"But, um" I really had nothing to say. I really, Really wanted to go anywhere he went. So the park sounded nice for once. 

"Come on. I'll even carry you again if you want me too."

"I can walk." I stood up and smiled pulling his hand to guide him out the front door. When we stepped out I almost tripped again when I stepped down on my bad leg. Kevin caught me and my breathe had already quickened from the shock. 

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