Hickeys? {Chp.10}

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"No. Double D. That doesn't mean you're a b-"

"Yes it does. You can do whatever you want with me.. like a toy. I can live with that though.." I put my head on his upper chest and forced a smile. I had to be happy right? This is what I wanted. At least, that's what a thought.

"Edd, you make me sound like a monster." He put his hand on my head.

"I didn't mean it that way." My tears had started falling now and they touched Kevin's skin. I forced a giggle and was shaking slightly. "You're perfect. Nothing you do is wrong. you make me happy and I just.. want to do the same." I sighed and closed my eyes.

"Edd. Are you crying?"

"No, I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I don't know what's wrong with me."

"Why does this surprise you?" Kevin was really asking me this? Was I suppose to just think this was a once in a lifetime thing? After all that talking and the way he acted around me?

"No no. I'm sorry I'm sorry." I got up and pulled my boxers on. Kevin grabbed my wrist and pulled me back into the bed. "Kevin please." I was obviously sniffing now. "I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm just crazy. I thought you just... actually care-"

"Whoa. Who said I didn't care."

"It's just thought... " I didn't know how to say it or what it even was I wanted to say.

"I care about you dweeb." Kevin forced me to lay back down and he moved over me. He sighed and his anger faltered. "I love you." Wait, me? "Yes,you... I can tell you're surprised Dork." That's right, he read me like an open book all the time. "I just can't accept the fact that I fell for a dork and a boy on top of that." I wanted to speak, but Kevin was looking at me in such a sympathetic way I didn't know what to say. It was like I wasn't even there. "Can we shower?" He smiled and I nodded smiling back.

Kevin loved me?


I stared at myself in the mirror. I was dressed in a sweater that had multi colored diamonds on it. The shower was on and my hair was wet still. “You left bruises on me... meanie." I turned my head to the shower as if Kevin would see through the curtains.

"They're called hickeys." The water shut off and he open the curtains grabbing his towel. I stared at him, his face of course. "Why are they called that?" What a weird word for a bruised. He shrugged. I looked back into the mirror turning my head side to side.

"I don't know, just do" He wrapped the towel around him and stood in front of me putting his fingers on the bruises in question. "They look pretty good on you." he smiled and it burned my cheeks.

"I should put a turtleneck on."

"You own those?" He sounded disgusted. I looked at him confused. "Throw those away, just wear a scarf or put your moms makeup on." Makeup on a boy? What if someone found out? I wasn’t a drag queen. "Just wear a scarf."

"Can you read my mind or something?"

"No, but after hanging out with you so much its like I can." He kissed my forehead and walked out the bathroom. "You're walking with me to work right?"

"Yeah." I followed him to my room. Kevin had to be to work in less than an hour. I always went to the cafe on the weekends, so why not just go with Kevin? We walked in my room and he started to get dressed. I found a scarf and wrapped it around me. He came over and pulled on my scarf, He stood just in his pants and kissed me. I pulled away blushing and he licked his lips playfully. Stop teasing... “You know you love it” he slipped his shirt on.

“Stop doing that.”

“I can't help it.” He put his hat on and handed me my beanie off the floor. I sighed putting it on and Kevin left the room. I followed him out again through my door and down the street towards the cafe. We walk side by side and I felt Kevin's fingers slip between mine and interlock. ‘Just go with it.” I was blushing and held his hand back.

Kevin knocked on the glass door of the cafe. They opened it 10 minutes early so the staff always had to come early. CJ opened the door and smiled at us. I lightly tugged on my hand but Kevin wouldn’t let go. CJ said good morning and told us to hurry inside. Kevin let go of my hand when CJ was done talking  and kissed my cheek running off to the back to put the orange apron on that all the staff wore. “So how's it going?” I looked at CJ. Her hair was down which I had never seen. She must have put it up when the cafe opened.

“It’s going fine..”

“With Kevin?” She was smirking now and looked ridiculous. I knew she would bring it up.

“Pretty well.” I looked away from her. “When can I get my coffee?”

“Not till we open silly. Plus you can't just leave me off there! Tell me more. What's gone on since last weekend?” She was so persistent..

“I touched him.” Kevin came out and stood next to me tying his apron around him. I blushed and started to speak but he spoke up again. “In a very, very, very sexual way.” I covered my face with my hands and he made me move them. Pulling down my scarf to show his damage.

“Oh” She was blushing too “That's cute DoubleDs first hickey.”

“Hickeys” Kevin corrected her. Why did everyone call these bruises ‘hickeys’?

“So you guys are a couple?”

“No.” Kevin answered quickly and CJ s expression resembled mine. She was sad... Or confused. I was both. “I'm not.. you know.” CJ and me stayed silent. She nodded just saying OK and going in the back. “Why does that surprise everyone?” Kevin looked at me confused.

“Well I mean you did just tell her we had sex…”  I reminded him.

He shrugged it off and the silent girl unlocked the front doors as it hit opening time. “Can I order my coffee now?” I heard CJ laugh at the counter and I smiled taking that as a yes.

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