"Lay back down. I was comfortable.." {Chp. 8}

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The week flew by and Kevin walked me home every day. Planting a kiss in some area on my face each time before letting me get in my own door. If I didn't know what was really going on I would call us a couple already. To bad that was never going to happen. 

Friday went by like a bullet train and I gave Jack the wrong answers for math. I found this out when I had math last hour and got most of the questions wrong which left me questioning myself for the last good forty minutes of class. Jack was defiantly going to give me hell about this after break. Even Mr.Jone looked at me surprised when I handed in my graded homework. Which I replied to with a nervous smile. The bell rang and I was last out like usual, Kevin waiting outside the door. 

"Finally winter break! Ain't you excited double dork!" He threw his arm around my shoulder and squeezed me to him. I laughed happily. "yeah.." replying. Things were getting better and Monday was already a lost memory. We never talked about what I wanted too that night I found myself sleeping at his door. I tried to bring it up but, Kevin told me 'Don't worry so much. Whatever is on your mind I forgive you.' and that was the end of it. 

He moved his arm as we walked out the building behind everyone else. Usually before break I would go to the libary and just read or study for the same hours I would be at school. Free time was boring otherwise. This break Eddy begged me to come over on Sunday to help him set up for everything. I don't know why he asked me. I was the lamest person who would be attending. He said Ed would just say yes to everything and that maybe a little sense would come from me and work it's way to him. Well he didn't say it exactly like that but, I was pretty sure that's how he would of said it if he had the right thinking capacity. 

"What your mom making for us tonight?" Kevin was coming over for dinner again. Mother had gotten over my disappearing act and that completely out ruled the memory of any name calling at the dinner table. 

"I don't know. I actually never know what she's going to end up making for dinner." 

"Did you already pack your shit. I don't feel like waiting. I planned to eat and run." Kevin also had 'Begged' me to come over to his house. He didn't really have to beg he could of just said 'You are coming over Friday night' and I would of happily went with it. He told me to pack for more then one night, just in case. Whatever that meant. 

"Yeah, it's all packed. So don't worry." I joked. My house was just two houses away now. With Kevin the five minute walk to and from school felt like seconds. We never had enough time to talk before we had to depart to different house holds. We walked up to my door and Kevin was the one to get the key from the mailbox and unlock my door. I didn't mind it . I'm sure I was suppose too but, this was a bully I kinda trusted. 

"Welcome home boys~" Mom was in the living room and she actually didn't have an apron on.. She was wearing a dress?

"Mom? Why are you dressed like that?" I asked her a bit weirded out by her attire. Kevin kicked off his shoes and threw his bag down next to the door to get it later. 

"Oh!" She smiled. "Since you won't be home for a night and it was actually planned. Unlike the last two time you ran off to some kids house." She paused

"sorry" I muttered

"I'm actually going on a date." She cheered and I forced a smile not sure how I was suppose to feel about that. "Think about it. You could end up having a new dad!" Dad had died in seventh grade. I knew four years had past and she needed to move on, but hearing that kinda.. hurt.

"No one can replace dad." I whispered and Kevin slug his arm around me. He must of heard me. It was Kevin after all and he had the best ears, nose, and eyes I had ever seen. At least when it came to things that involved me. He could tell my every emotion like he could read my mind. I could be in the back of a crowd and he would find me out of all of them. I kinda liked how much he paid attention to me. 

[KevEdd] Don't forget me (Boyxboy)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat