Welcome to our school {Chp. 1}

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It had been 3 years since I've seen him. My eyes opened when I heard his name in the hall way. I glanced over from my open locker to see the man I had fallen in love with. Now he was here at my school, again. He was back and I felt myself warm up. What was this feeling. I hadn't felt like this in forever. I closed my locker and my bag. One of the boys walking down the hall bumped me and I slightly turned breathing out lightly and saw Kevin walking with his new friends. How happy his expression. My face burned. I looked away and walked in the opposite direction to my class.

Lunch had come fast. All I did was day dream in class. I was top of all my classes anyways. Everyone knew me, for better or for worse. I sat on the field with my lunch and pulled out my math book. Always better to do your homework as soon as you can so you don't have to worry about it later.

 Eddy came and sat down next to me pulling my beanie off and laughing. "Whats up Double D."

 "Ah.." I looked up from my book at the boy. His short dark hair pushed back like usual and his new features. The typical bad boy girls loved. How puberty was nice to him. Of course he let all that go to his head so when we all advanced to third year students he stayed a second year.  "I-I am fine. I would enjoy if I could have my hat back.." He always did this. Always saying I would attract girls if I didn't look like such a dork, but I didn't want to attract the girls. How could I tell Ed and Eddy anyways. They would probably turn me away. Coming out to anyone is hard. I even had trouble staring myself in the mirror and saying it out loud.

 Eddy put it on his own head and smirked at me. I sighed and smiled at him as Ed ran over and plopped on the grassy ground. "HEY!" He smiled with his eyes closed and I blushed softly. Over the years how he had changed. His voice had deepened and he defiantly grew into his looks. Surprisingly enough he kept up in school and was more popular then his own sister. He had a girl friend, which he never really hung out with in front of us so we never knew how much they cared for each other.

"hey, did you bring lunch today?" Eddy looked at Ed serious but with my beanie on he looked a bit weird. I looked away and giggled "Don't laugh." He looked at me and I turned back and shook my head saying sorry holding back my laughter. 

"Yeah" Ed dug out a bag from his backpack. "Sarah made it." Eddy picked up the bag with a distasteful look. 

"Uck, do you have to squish everything?"

"Sorry" Ed just shrugged and laughed. "It's all going to the same place anyways"

Even that line made me flinch. Eddy gave up and just decided to take what was given to him. 'Anything is better then nothing' i'm sure is what he was thinking. He bit into the messy peanut-butter and jelly sandwich as he spoke.

"Did you hear. That jerk Kevin's back from juvy." It had been such a long time. I couldn't even remember what had gone for. 

"Yeah.. I actually saw him this morning." I turned back to my homework and continued to figure out the equations while Eddy kept talking about how much he disliked him and bringing up the past. I'm sure not all his food was staying in his mouth with that yelling. I didn't mind to it though. My mind was drifting to Kevin. 

I realized I was like most of the girls at this school. Falling for the bad boys and more then likely being rejected. Kevin was straight as far as I knew. I looked over my last question and it was wrong. Weird.. I never mess up work.. 

Before I knew it the day was over. I was still packing my bags when everyone had left. Mr.Jone was organizing paper work at his desk. I said bye and turned to leave. Just as I walked out the door Kevin was at his locker still and seemed to be upset about something. I looked around to see if any one who might be his friend was around.

I walked up to him and swallowed my fear. "Hey, Um.. welcome to our school.." He didn't even looked at me before slamming his locker and taking his hat off to fix his hair. 

"Don't talk to me if you don't know me kid.." He didn't even look at me.. He walked to the door as I stood there silently. Was this heart break? My body felt like it was over heating. I just wanted to be home. 

I rushed home that day and went straight to my room closing and locking my door. I slid down the wall with my bag in my lap. My cheek got hot and touched them. Were these tears? I hated myself, how embarrassing to even think he would be okay talking to someone like me. What if he forgot who I was. Maybe he didn't want to remember me. I looked up at the ceiling and took my beanie off before covering my face. Why do I have to feel like this. Am I not normal? Can a boy like another boy? 

I was weird, unneeded, unwanted. Everything that someone could get rid off and no one would care. Happiness is something I want but I grasp it and it seems to slip out of my palm so easily. A man.. Someone who I barely even knew myself could make me feel like this. Could make me brake into tears..

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