"I'm not into dudes.." {Chp. 5}

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I felt tears excape my eyes and I whimpered softly. "Stop, please, Eddy stop." He let go sitting on top of me and I whiped off my neck with my sleeve and then covered my face with both my hands as the embarrasing sounds of my crying filled the silent room. My sweater was still slightly up. 

I whiped my eyes and stared at Eddy blankly. "Oh please, I was just kidding.." He smiled and laughed. To me it wasn't funny. I had never been this scared in my life. What an ass. He always had been but him and Ed were the only ones who would actually hang out with me. I got up and walked to his door opening it. I felt him pull on my sweater and I turned to face him. "Let go.." My voice was shaky and hearing myself made me feel worse. "Don't ever touch me like that again!" I jerked my arm away and ran out of his house. I didn't care to hear his reply. Nothing was making any sense I was in the heat of the moment and my body just felt heavier and heavier and my feet guided me down the rode.

I wasn't sure where I was heading and I didn't care. Anywhere but near Eddy or my home. I just wanted to be somewhere I could relax. My eyes left the streets in front of me as I slowed down and started walking. My breath was heavy and my eyes wondered the skies trying to relax. I soon found myself stopping. As if my body just knew where to go by itself. I looked down and up in front of me. My hand lifted and knocked gently on the door. 

Standing there I looked around still gathering my thoughts as a woman answered and I just smiled as I walked in. She looked at me confused and was about to speak but I kept walking past her and her words got traped.The next door I stood in front of was cracked and I pushed it open to a tidy room I had been in before. Guided in and closing the door leaning against it till I heard it click then sitting on the bed next to a red bag that was open. I sighed and grabbed the pillow beside me. I hugged it and his scent liggered on to me. Kevins house, his room, it was just calming. I didn't want to leave. I was happy here. I felt myself smile and a small giggle excaped my mouth as my shoes were kicked off and I fell onto his bed making it creak ever so lightly. My eyes closed and nothing could seem to bother me. A yawn could be heard and everything seemed so distant. I was at the utmost peace. 


My eyes fluttered open and I was warm. I looked up at him and felt his arms around my waist and saw his peaceful face. I wiggled a bit and he woke up. "u-um.. sorry" my voice was soft.  He squeezed me as he breathed out, which im sure was a way of yawning for him.

"Morning.." morning? I looked at him confused. "You were asleep when I came home after work. I tried to wake you up and you just babbled something about how much you like it here. Then you kinda begged me to cuddle with you.. How do you not remember that?"

"Oh.." I wasn't sure what to say. "sorry" My eyes left his face and found their way to my hands which were on his bare chest. Gasping softly I pulled away from him pushing myself against the wall his bed laid next to. "I'm sorry, sorry, sorry. I was tired.. I wasn't thinking.." My face was covered with my palms which were still warm from being pressed against him. 

Kevin sat up and I felt the bed move as his body weight left the bed. "Listen Dweeb, if I didn't want you in my room I would have kicked you out and no way in hell would I have agreed to sleep with you." I sat up and looked at him. I sat on my knees and my hands planted in front of me to keep my balance. His back was to me and I realised he was only in his boxers. I was kinda cold myself.. I was only in my boxers..

A small squeak of fear left me before I covered my legs in the covers and stared at Kevin again who was now facing me with a shirt on. "It's not like you're naked. Plus you arn't to scronny for a geek." 

"Mm.." I moved my attention away from him. I was mad, embarrased, and shy; what was I suppose to say? "I don't remember undressing myself." I paused thinking about what to say but kevin broke the silence. "Well, I took your pants off." My shocked gaze fell apon his smile. "You said it was too hot so I helped you cool down a bit... I mean by taking a little clothing off." Soft sounds left my mouth as I thought of what to say. Nothing. "I'm not into dudes.." 

What? But, you.. kissed me. I tried to say the words but my mouth wasn't working. Nothing was. I felt like a spell was spoken and a was turned into stone. The only sound was my pounding heart and the words I wanted to say clouding my brain. 'I have to get out of here' I refused to move. 'Just say it' My lips parted thick enough for a flat penny to pass. 'Why are you so scared.' The water had started again and sight of Kevins unreadable face was put apon me. 

I forced myself to get up and grab my pants that laid on the floor against the bed. I pulled them on and tried to speak again. Silence. I shook my head and sat on the floor to put my shoes on. 

"What's up with you?" His voice was as unreadable as his expression. 

"I'm g-going to get coffee." I sniffled and used my sleeve to dry my face. "Sorry for coming." 

I stood up and looked at him. I wanted it, so badly, Needing it. My lips touched his and this time it just wasn't as warming. 


"I'm sorry!" I cut him off crying. I ran out of his room, his house, down the street, to the cafe, through the door, to the counter where she stood. "I love him."


"Kevin.. I love him..."

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