Math Homework {Chp. 2}

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The next morning I made my way to school like I always do. Ed, Eddy and me had stopped walking together since second year. They were usually tardy and I was always early so our schedules just didn't work out. I stepped into the hall and went to my locker. As I opened it a small slip of paper fell out and I bent over to pick it up. 'Fag' three simple letters on a paper. To think that short word hurt so many people. I didn't mind it and just tucked it into my pocket to throw away next time I passed a trash can. 

Just as I closed my locker I saw Kevin coming my way. His locker was further down the hall. He bumped into me like yesterday and I turned to him as he continued walking. "You're in the way Double Dweeb."

I think I had a mini heart attack. He did remember me. Maybe it would of been better if he didn't. I pick up my book that dropped. Kevin was at school earlier then I thought. He actually made it before Ed and Eddy. Maybe he's different, with all that time away.

Things went like normal. We had a pop quiz and of course, I aced it. Eddy was sent to the Deans again. This time he was making out under the stairs I believe. At least that's what he told us at lunch. So he had to stay after school for detention. I asked Ed if he wanted to walk home but he said he was going to walk 'babe' home today.   We graded work in math, my last hour, I actually did a question wrong.

The bell rang and for once I wasn't the last one out. I was actually one of the first. Some peers gave me a weird look but I would have too if someone all the sudden changed their normal activities. I didn't even say goodbye to Mr. Jones. 

I went through the front door and the sun hit my face. All these kids, I've never left school so early. It just felt wrong now. I went to the side of the stairs and sat down. I rummaged through my bag to see if I had anything to do while I waited. I could feel eyes on me as hundreds of feet walked past. I sighed and stood back up as the crowd died to a few students, pulled my shirt down, and started walking in the direction home. 

"Hey." I heard a familiar voice and turned my head to see Kevin coming up next to me. I was a bit scared to be completely honest. "We walk the same way, so I thought we could walk together." He continued walking and I caught up with him. 

"O-oh.." I wanted to say more, but I really didn't know how to talk to him. I looked down at my feet and saw Kevins next to mine. That made me happy. I smiled softly and he noticed. 

"Listen, I need help.. with this Math shit." He lightly bumped into me to get my attention. I looked at him with a confused face. My face was warm. Great I was blushing and just knowing I was I blushed more. "Geez, I knew you liked math, but I didn't know it made you so happy." Saved?

"Yeah, I-I'm the best student to ask help from.." I laughed softly then looked away from him, feeling embarrassed by my own words. 

"Obviously, whenever someone talks about grades or something stupid it involves you." He put his hands in his pockets. 'Something stupid'? I didn't like how that sounded but it made sense. "So are you going to help me or not?" He glanced over at me and I just nodded softly with a smile. "Good, then you're coming home with me anyways."

"Huh?" I was drawn back by his statement. "Bu-"

"It's not like you have anything better to do." He didn't even look at me. I guess I didn't have a choice in the matter.

"Can I at lea-" I tried to speak again but he stopped me.

"Yeah, I know you got to tell mommy first. We'll walk past your house on the way to mine anyways." I stayed silent. I was use to being talked over but what can I really say to make conversation if I can't finish a sentence. Soon we were at my house and I went to the door as Kevin waited on the sidewalk. I looked back at him before I unlocked my door.

"What are you waiting for. I want to go home." He rolled his eyes and I quickly went inside and set my things down in my room. I walked into the kitchen where my mother was already cooking dinner. 

"U-um.. I'm going to help someone with M-math homework.." I was even to shy to say something like this to my mom? She smiled at me and said that she would leave dinner in the microwave for when I got home. I smiled softly and left. Kevin was right outside my door now and it scared me. He grabbed my wrist before I could fall from being scared.

"come on chicken shit. You really are weak." I was shaking lightly. He pushed me to walk and I followed alongside him. We just talked after so long and now he was already taking me home. Overheating, again. I, of all people, should have worded that differently. 

We walked in silence. No one was out. Either at home or out with friends nowhere close to home. We walked up to a small house and Kevin just opened the door. "You don't lock your door?" Kevin gave me a look that frightened me. "I was just asking.. You never know what people do nowadays." He shook his head and walked inside. Following him, I closed the door and he kept walking. His parents weren't home and the place wasn't the cleanest. He opened the door to his room and surprisingly it was cleaner than the rest of the house. I stayed in the doorway and looked around. 

"Hello, Are you just going to stand there or are you actually going to help me?" He sat down on his bed and I walked in closing the door and sitting at the corner of the bed so we had room."How do you plan to help me when you're ages away from me.." Standing up and sitting back down closer to him my heart beat was increasing. 

Kevin took out his work and set his hat on his nightstand. His hair was messy but it looked good on him. He put his homework on a binder so it would be easy to write on his lap. "Alright, so teach tell me how to do this all over again." 

We started working and I laughed softly when he messed up right after I told him what to do and he would push me telling me not to make fun of him. Kevin got up when we were 80% done with his homework. "I'll be right back, I'm running to the bathroom." I sat and waited. I heard arguing not soon after. His parents must be home now. He came back and I could tell he wasn't happy anymore. The bed moved ever so slightly when he sat down. It was quiet and I didn't want to say anything to make it worse. 

Kevin looked at me seriously and pulled my collar. I flinched, of course, I was scared. What would he do? He's been gone for so long who knows what he's into now? "Look at me." His voice was frightening. I stared into his gaze. His eyes jolting around my face. "I'm sorry" He slowly let go of my collar and got his homework back. "Let's just finish so you can go home." I nodded and we continued. We didn't joke around or laugh anymore when he messed up. 

"I'm sorry"

He had never said that before. I replayed what had happened over and over again in my head. What would he had done if he didn't stop?. I ran home, it was dark and I wasn't use to being out this late. The rest of the week went on like normal. Kevin didn't talk to me. Only once he stopped in the morning to say sorry for not walking me home, but even then he walked off before I could reply.

I was getting no where....

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