Carry Me {Chp. 6}

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My bag was full and I put my text books for math and my workbooks for my fourth and fifth sixth in my locker for after lunch. The halls were empty like usual this early. Only the nerds and jocks would come so early. For their own reasons of course. School didn't start for another forty minutes. I sighed and someone closed my locker for me. I looked up to see Jack. Jack was a football player at our school. More specifically the caption of the football team. 

"You finish the math homework." Shit, I promised Kevin I would help him study for the test today. I completely forgot after running off to cry to CJ. I was lost in thought and Jack hit his hand against my locker making me jump back into reality.

"Y-yeah I did" I looked up at him, which was something I usually didn't do.  making eye contact with a bully was the last thing you ever wanted to do.

"And?" I opened my bag and handed him a lined paper with the answers on it. He hit me on the shoulder and it hurt. I'm sure that was suppose to be playful but, it defiantly was going to end up leaving a bruise on me. What a weakling.. Jack was about to speak again but his words got stopped by another's.

"Who the hell are you?" Kevin was a few feet away from us walking. His hat was on his belt loop and he was messing with his hair. "You don't look like someone who hangs around the Dweeb.. In that case you're messing with him. I'm the only one who can pick on this dork." He was next to me now and pushed me softly making me bump into my locker.  which also hurt.

Jack shrugged and scanned Kevin. Like he does when he's searching for something to say. As of he can get to the person by just looking at them. "Be careful who you talk to. I'm the Jock around here. You're nothing at this school compared to me. I don't even know you. This dorks more popular then you." He chuckled.

"That's not answering my question." Kevin starred at Jack and his look even frightened me.

"H-he is um.. Jack the Football caption.." I spoke up and regretted it right away.

"Why you answering him?" Jack starred at Kevin. "Do you really have that much control over our Nerd."

"My... my nerd." Kevin corrected him with his hands in his pockets now. I didn't want to be in this. I tried back up but Jack said my name and it echoed through the halls. Thirty minutes to class. I flinched and stood up right. Looking at Kevin and he glanced at me.  it has fallen to awkward silence and I'm sure we all felt it.

"I got better things to do then stand here and fuck with you two." He flicked between my eyes and I rubbed my face in a bit of pain as he laughed and walked away. A soft sigh left my mouth and i felt my shoulder get pinned against my locker. 


"Listen, I'm sorry okay." His expression was different now. He actually looked, sad?

"Ke-" I wanted to speak but I didn't have a chance. 

"I know you like me." My heart raced. Kevin if only you knew. It's more then just liking now. "I know I've been leading you on and kissing you and things like that but, I'm just not into you that way."

"oh." What was I suppose to say. He already said it once and broke my heart now he's doing it again?

It was silent. No one ever talked in the morning so silence was normal, but now that someone was here to talk to it felt weird for once. Kevin stared into my eyes and I couldn't stand it.

"No.." My words seemed to surprise him. They surprised me. "I won't let something else I love just get away from me.. Kevin please I love you.." His hand tightened on my shoulder, the same one Jack had hit and I cringed whining softly. His hand loosened and his Anger faltered.

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