Bonus Chapters

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Hello everyone, I hope yours are enjoying your day. I hope you guys enjoy the book.  The book is finish however, the are some stories that I have left out of the book that you guys did not get the chance to read.  In this Bonus chapters, I am going to put in the stories that were left out and put it in the bonus chapter. I hope you guys enjoy the bonus chapters and may the power protect you.



I was in my room getting ready to go to Tommy's Halloween party when my sister Kaylani bust in my room while I had my robe on and putting on my make- up. I got up from my chair from my bathroom to chase Kaylani out the room.


Kaylani did not listen to me and continue to run around my room. So I ran to Kaylani and grab her by the arm, and lead her out the room. Once Kaylani was out the room, I went back to the bathroom, sat down in the chair and continue doing my make-up. As I was doing my make-up, I can't help but think what in the world was I doing at Angel Grove Time Square with the power rangers? when the powers rangers are around,  that means there is danger and I don't tend to stick around.  I had no memories of what happened but going to the salon and getting my hair done, the weirdest thing is the strange object was in my coat packet. That is the most creepest thing I have ever seen. But I decided not to focus on what happen and focus on going to Tommy's Halloween party.  I was going as Jessica Rabbit.

After I was done, Tommy came to pick me up  to go to his house for the party. when I was in his sight,  Tommy whistle at me which made my blush.  As me and Tommy was heading to his house,  Tommy started the conversation.


Tommy: You look so fine. your going to be the sexiest girl at the party. 

Kiyah: thank you babe. You know I like to look my best. Look at you, your looking fine yourself.

Tommy was dress as a men for the disco era.

Tommy: thank you babe,  I just went to the thrift store to look for a costume and I found this outfit so I decide to dress as man from the disco era.

Kiyah: I like it.

Tommy: thank you babe.

Tommy and Kiyah arrived at the House. As they walked in, their were teens already in the house  dancing; hip hop was playing, drinking and having a good time. it was almost a full house. Tommy hold Kiyah's hand and they  went to go look for their friends. It would not be long until they found them in the guest room.

Tommy: hey you huys guest who made it to the party.

the teens took one look at Kiyah and started to make loving dub noises as the liked Kiyah's dress.

Aisha: Girlllll....... you look good!!!!!!

Kiyah: thank you

Kimberly:  you look so hot.

The teens were in awe with Kiyah's outfit. so far she is the best dress at the party.  While the teens were chatting it up, Brittney showed up to the party, This made Kiyah nervous because she just wanted to have a good time with her boyfriend and their friend. As Kiyah tried to pretend not to see Brittney, Brittney notice here in the guess room. Brittney was dress up as a sexy nurse and her friends were dressed up as a sexy cat, solider, maid and fairy. Britney took one look at Kiyah's  dress  and made a disgusting face. Brittney was very envious and Jealous of Kiyah's dress. Instead of spilling out her jealousy, she walked away to the backyard.  Kiyah signed in relief that Brittney walked away and chatted with her friends.

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