Chapter 4

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After school, I was waiting on my mom to pick me up.  Aisha is standing with me as we talk about our clasess, teachers, and school commities. As we were talking, my mom finally came to pick me up.

Aisha: Your mom has a nice car.

Kiyah: thank you

Aisha: Are you sure you do not want to come to the youth center with us?

Kiyah: no, I going to go home and do my homework.

Aisha: ok suite yourself. Bye Kiyah.

Kiyah: bye Aisha.

I got into the car with my mom and we drove off. As we were on our way home, my mom made conversation.

Tanya: I see that you have made new friends.

Kiyah: um, yeah their cool. Mom, this morning I was going to class....

As I was about to tell my mom what happen to me in school, my mom interrupt me.

Tanya: I just got a call from Nicki Minaj rep and they say they what me to make a dress for her for the Grammy awards. Isn't that awesome.

Kiyah: mom thats amazing. You doing the dame thing.

Tanya: thank you baby, I have to get started right away because the award show is in two months.

I was about tell my mom about what happened between me and a girl name Brittney and what Brittney said but I decided to keep it a secret now because my mom is making a dress for one of the best female rappers of all time and I do not want to stress her out.

At home, I was in the entertainment room watching Love & HipHop. Back in L.A Me and friend Shawnty use to watch love & Hip Hop together. We always like to see K.Michelle and Porsha go at it. I miss though's days. As I was watching the t.v show. My brother came in the room bouncing his basketball all over the house.


Tristan: Why do you make me?

Kiyah: You are such a dumb ass. I am sitting here watching t.v and you come in here bouncing a ball.

Tristan: it's called practicing.

My airhead brother Tristan is in the 7th grade at Marshall middle school. Like my dad, he also dream of becoming a basketball one day. He tried out for the basketball team at his school. He has not made it yet. He be lucky if they put him as waterboy.


Tristan left continuing to bounce his basketball around the house.
Later that night, I was in my bed listening to music when I heard my cell phone ring. I pick up my phone to answer it.

Kiyah: Hello?

Shawnty: Hey girl.

Kiyah: Shawnty, how are you, I miss you.

Shawnty: I miss you too girl. Our winter dance is tomorrow and DeAndre asked me to go to the dance with him.

Kiyah: thats good girl. He's cute by the way.

Shawnty: yeah he is girl. But what about you. How's you new school?

Kiyah: its ok. I had a problem with this one girl. This girl had the nerve to stop me a say I do not belong here and that I was a black ghetto slave girl.

My friend gasp thow the phone.

Shawnty: GIRL WHATTTTT. She said that ohhh hell no. We need to get this bitch straight.

Kiyah: its ok, I handle it the first time. But is she comes for me again, Ill let you know.

Shawnty: Let me know girl. She ain't suppose to talk to you like that.

Kiyah: thanks girl you always got my back.

Shawnty: thats what friends are for girl. We got to have each other back no matter where we go.

Me and Shawnty talk for two hours then hung up. Before I went to Bed, I look out the window to see the city of Angel Grove.As I was looking out the window, a thought came to my mind. Aisha and her friends can show me around Angel Grove this weekend. I would love to see what it has to offer.

 I would love to see what it has to offer

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