CH. 27

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I was in the park with Tommy, Just sitting there. Thinking about what he told me about Rita and Lord Zedd and How they team up together to become more powerful then they was before. Tommy was also telling me how he became a power ranger. He told me the he was walking home from school and use an ally to take it as a short cut when he ran into putties with I used to call them clayman appeared out of nowhere and attack him. He did good in fighting them off until Rita appeared, kidnapped him and put a spell on him. When on the spell, Tommy mission was to destroy the power ranger and help Rita Take over the world. But when the power rangers defended him, the spell is broken and Tommy was back to normal. After Rita,s spell was broken, Tommy joins the ranger team and vails to defeat evil. But when Tommy loss his green ranger powers, He decided to became a regular teenager. It wasn't long until he was called to come back. Tommy was giving new powers that was made from zordons. hands and will never be use for evil ever. Tommy then became the White ranger and the new leader of the power ranger til this very day. What happen to Tommy is now happening to me. Rita is now using me for her evil plan. But I do not know if the spell is still on me or not But right now only Tommy can help me right now.

 But I do not know if the spell is still on me or not But right now only Tommy can help me right now

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Kiyah: I'm sorry that this happen to you. I must off been hard for you.

Tommy: you really do not feel any emotions when you are on a spell but after when it effect you. You have a lot of regret after you cause a lot of damage.

Kiyah: I know how that feels already. I regret hurting people and putting them in harms way Including my family. I thought I was running away from the monster but it turns out that I was the monster all along.

Tommy: Kiyah, It is not your fault that people got hurt. Rita was using you to get what she wants. Just like she used me.

Kiyah: Yea but for how long Tommy. How long will she continue to use me for her evil plan. I'm scared Tommy.

Tommy: Don't worry Kiyah, we will brake this spell no matter what.
Tommy thought about it for a moment and came up with an idea.

Tommy: Kiyah I'm going to see Zordon if he can help, but In the mean time I need you go home a lye low until I get back.

Kiyah: Ok, Let me know when you find something out.

Tommy: ok baby.

Tommy kiss Kiyah goodbye and headed to the command center. Kiyah's plan to runaway faded. now that she know Tommy is A power rangers, she now knows that he can help her fight off this spell so she can have a normal live again.


Tommy made back to the command center. The team was not there but he need to talk to Zordon about Helping Kiyah brake the spell.

Tommy: Zordon, we all know that Rita has Kiyah under her spell, We need to know how to get he out of it.

Zordon: All I can tell you Tommy is that its not going to be easy. Rita's spell is so powerful it will be hard to break.

Tommy: Zordon is there anyway that we can try. I cannot leave Kiyah hanging like this. She is counting on me to help her. I don't want to let her down.

Zordon: I understand Tommy, However, Rita has come up with a spell that will be hard to break. I will be cautious Tommy, Kiyah can be very dangerous a this point.

Zordon is right. Kiyah is a very skill fighter. She has a enough power to destroy the power ranger. Rita did a good job with this one. Tommy need to figure out something before he losses Kiyah.

Tommy: What can I do Zordon. Kiyah means the world to me. Cant lose her. I love her.

Zordon: The only why to break Rita's spell is to keep Kiyah reminding Kiyah that she is not an evil person and that she has good in her. If you give a few words of encouragement and the spell will be broken for good.

Tommy know this was not going to be easy, but he loves Kiyah so mush that he is willing to risk everything to save her. He must protect Kiyah at all cost.

Tommy: Alright Zordon I will give it a try.

Zordon: Good luck Tommy and may the power protect you.

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