CH. 29

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Kiyah had a lot on her mine. she was chosen to be a power ranger and why Rita used her to carry out her evil plan. Rita will stop at nothing to complete her plan to take over the world. First she used Tommy to destroy the power ranger in with she almost succeed, and now she was using Kiyah to complete what she has started. Kiyah wanted to talk to Zordon about what he can do to help her but she stood there like a statue just stirring at him because what Kiyah was seeing was not normal. But the other rangers need to figure out how  are they going to stop Rita and Lord zedd and break the spell from Kiyah once and for all.

Zordon: Rangers,I have the other ranger to look out for any trouble just in case Lord Zedd and Rita send out any monsters. and I need you to do the same. Be prepare for an attack.

As Zordon was finish talking to the rangers, he see Kiyah  standing among the rangers. Zordon look a Kiyah for a moment  to figure out who she was and then finally spoke.

Zordon: Rangers, who is this person from among you?

The Rangers stop focusing on Zordon  and turn their attention to Kiyah. Kiyah looking at everyone confused and scared. Tommy turned to Kiyah to introduce her to Zordon.

Tommy: Zordon, this is Kiyah, Rita cast a spell on her to make her a ranger  to use her for her evil plan.

Zordon: Greetings Kiyah, you have nothing to fear, you in a good place where Rita can not touch you here.

Kiyah: thank u.

Zordon: my name is Zordon, welcome to  the ranger team. The rangers will be looking out for you until Rita and Lord Zedd are defeated.

Kiyah: Zordon, is there anyway I will ever brake free from this spell,  What must I do to get rid of it?

Zordon: Ritas Spell that she cast on you is very powerful. We have never dealt with such power before so therefore its going to be hard to brake. All we can do is keep your mine to stay positive until we figure out how to brake the spell.

Kiyah felt hopeless. How could a simple spell be so hard to brake. Kiyah fell being positive will help but its not enough. There has to be a way for her and the rangers to brake the spell. Before she could get any more answers from Zordon, the alarm went off. The teens look at the viewing globe to see monsters in different parts of the world, one in Italy, two in Britain, two in Australia, four in Latin America and different parts of Africa, and U.S.  The Teens were be wild that there was so many monster in the four corners of the earth.

Kimberly: Zordon, what are we going to do, we can fight all these monsters by ourselves.

Zordon: you dont have to worry, I will come up with a plan  to stop this monsters. But in the mean time you guys will split up. Billy and Adam,  you will be going to south America to face the monster, from there you to will spilt and face two monsters on your own. Rocky, you  will stay here in the state and face the monsters. Aisha and Kimberly  you guy will go in different parts of Africa while Tommy will go to Italy, and Kiyah will join you later. Good luck rangers and may the power protect you. The Rangers morph into  their suits and headed to their destination. Meanwhile Kiyah was left with Zordon in the command center. 

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