Ch. 31

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before I end  White Knight, I like to thank the  people in the countries that  liked and voted  for my book. for and fro most  I like to think my  fellow American for supporting me  as  well as Britain, Latin America, Australia, and other  countries that I did not name thank you for everything and I hope you guys continue to share my books  and vote for you favorite chapter in the series.  thank you so much and  enjoy the last  two chapters in the story.


Tommy and Kiyah saw more monster  coming into the earths atmosphere. It was  thousands of monster going in each direction. Tommy called the ranger team to let them know about the invasion.

Tommy: Rangers, Lord Zedd has teamed up with other villans in the galaxy. the monsters are on earth and headed in your direction. Be prepare for a big battle.

Rangers: GOT IT!!!!!!!!

Tommy turn to look at Kiyah. Kiyah look back at Tommy. They both knew that the battle was not going to be easy and that a lot of lives are going to be lost.Tommy have to come up with a plan quick because time was wasting. Him and Kiyah were the only ones in Australia and there are no other rangers. When Tommy thought of a plan, he relay the message to Kiyah.

Tommy: Kiyah, I am going to call for rangers to come to Australia to help us fight off the monsters down here. When help arrive, that will help me fight off the monsters while you and other rangers will help get people to be safe. but it will be awhile for help to come though. in the meantime, will have to fight the monsters off ourselves. Are you ready for battle Kiyah!

Kiyah: yes! 

Tommy and Kiyah  started to fight off the monsters  one by one. They were out numbered trying to to stop the monster from attacking the city. However,The mosters were over whelming Tommy And Kiyah to the point that Tommy had to call on the rest of the team.

Tommy: Kimberly,Adam,Rocky, Aiesha,and Billy, me and Kiyah needs help. Come quickly.

Rocky: we are on are way Tommy.
The Power rangers just destoryed a monster before Tommy called for back up. The rest of the rangers made there way to Australia to help Tommy and Kiyah.  Meanwhile Tommy and Kiyah fought of the monster the best they could but the monsters over whelmed them holding them as they struggle to break lose.

Kiyah: Tommy, there is too many of the monsters.  I cant fight them off.

Tommy: hang in there Kiyah...

As Tommy and Kiyah was about to be killed, they hear a Pterodactyl fly over their heads. The zord shot its layzers at the monsters destorying most of them. Tommy and Kiyah were able to break free and destory most of the monsters that were left. Rita was furious that the power rangers destoryed her monters. The power rangers were winning all over the globe destorying the monsters and their leader. Rita still had one trick up her sleeve, she pointed her wand at Kiyah direction stricking her in the back. Kiyah fell to the ground struggling to get up.

Tommy: Kiyahhhh

Before Tommy can reach Kiyah Rota block him from getting to her. Rita then tured to Kiyah looking at her with revenage.

Rita: If you had'nt turn good I would be ruling this earth buy know. You ruin my plans by joining the power rangers and you will regret that.

Kiyah got up to face Rita. She knew that Rita had sick obsession with her and Rita knows it.

Kiyah: Rita, your just up set because you plan did not work and now you realized that you have lost the battle. Give it up Rita, you have lost. There are no more monsters, you minions are gone and you have nobody to fight for you.

Rita got Furious again and struck Kiyah again leaving her defencless.

The other Rangers try to came to her defence but they were blocked as well. Kiyah was left to defened herself form Rita. Kiyah had to think on how she going to defeat Rita.

Rita: Tommy was on my side once, with him on my side we was winning the war against the power rangers until Tommy became good and join the power rangers. He could have had it all, the power, his own army and a kingdom. But unlike Tommy, you can have all of this Kiyah if you join me. If you join me, you can have everything you ever wanted.

Rita reach her hand out to Kiyah to see if she will join her. Kiyah took on look at Rita and then her hand. Kiyah slap Rita's hand away showing her loyalty to the power Rangers. Rita got Even More Furious With Kiyah rejecting her.


Kiyah: I not your puppet Rita, I dont need to be loyal to you to have the things I wanted when I already have it. I have family, friends who care about me alot and I will never give up any of that just to be with you.


Rita raised her wand at Kiyah to finish her off. But Kiyah was able to move out of the way just in time to miss Rita fatal blow. Kiyah and Rita fought head to head as they clash with each other. Rita was able to get the upper hand on Kiyah using her wand hitting Kiyah several times knocking her to the ground. Kiyah picked herself up and continue fighting only to let Rita get the upper hand knocking Kiyah back to the ground. Kiyah was laying on the ground trying to get up. But Rita stood over her about to give Kiyah the final blow.

Rita: you should have joined me will you had the chance. Say goobye power ranger.

As soon as Rita wand was about to take a blast, Kiyah used her sword to block Rita's blast hitting Rita. Rita fell right to the ground badly injuried. Kiyah got up and just before she was about to destory Rita, Lord Zedd inter feared and knocking Kiyah down.

Lord Zedd: we are not finish yet power rangers we will fight again and when we do, you will no longer exist. I promised you that.

Lord Zedd disappeared with his injuried wife in his hand. The Ranger Came to Kiyahs add to see if she was ok.

Tommy: Kiyah, are you ok?

Kiyah: yes Tommy, I am doing fine, thank you.

The battle was over. Evil had lost tis battle and the other team of ranger was in the command center with Zordon.  It was at least 28 team together. They thanked each other and head back to their normal lives. Kiyah was offically apart of the mighty morpin power ranger team. The power ranger knew that Lord Zedd will be back and they will be ready for him when he returns.

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