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At Lord Zedd, Lord Zedd was having a meeting with other rulers from other galaxy. Antagonist like Dematox, master vile, Ivan ozze, Ransik, master org, and many. Rita was among the leader at the meeting table. The antagonist were talking among each other when Lord Zedd made an announcement.

Lord Zedd:  My fellow villians, as we know now the power rangers have become more powerful then before. They will stop at nothing to stop our plans of taking over the galaxy. We need to defeat the power rangers and kill Zordon so that the power rangers are no more.

Dematox: and how are we going to do that. We did everything to defeat the power rangers and they still was able to spoil our plan. 

Lord Zedd: Not this time Dematox, I have send about eight monsters on earth to fight the power rangers right now as we set up a plan to take over earth.

Ransik: and how are we going to do that, what makes you plan better?

Lord Zedd: We must get the rangers at their most variable by taking out or disabling their zords or destroying them and destroying the command center in with their powers will be gone forever.Once the rangers are at their weakest, its our chance to take over earth and rule and whoever does not follow orders will be punish or put to death. 

All the evil villian cheered Lord Zedd on his new plan.They believe that the plan may help take down the power rangers. In order for the plan to work, the must join forces to take  over the world and take down the power rangers once and for all.


On earth, the power rangers were in different countries fighting monsters. Billy and Adam are in Latin America  fighting monsters. Billy is in Chill fighting two monster from destroying the city.  the monster billy was fighting was very tough to fight but Billy was giving it his all to take them down.

Billy:" Lazer beam"

The triceratops thunder zord  shoots its lazer beans  at the monster but it did so little and had not effect. The monster Then charged at triceratops  with is slug ham and hitting the zord in the chin knocking them over while the other monster started to stump on them. Billy was trying to get the monsters off him but the monster were ganging up on him it was hard to get out. Billy reach out to zordon for help.

Billy:  Zordon, I'm in a jam. I don't now How much longer I can Take.

Zord: hang it their Billy help will be there soon.

Meanwhile Adam is in Argentina fighting the monsters off over there. He was also getting beat down by the monsters but he was able to fight them off of him. After he was able to get the monsters off him, Adam was able to communicate with Billy.

Adam: hang in there Billy you got this.

 Billy was able to pick himself up and continue to fight off the monsters. The  thunder triceratops blast its beams at one of the monsters. The blast was so hard the the monster fell off it feet and on the ground. The  thunder Triceratops then charged into the other monster sending him flying into a building.


Billy charged his Zord at the monsters shooting his Lazer beams at the monsters destroying one  and the other injured. Billy turned his zord around to face the monster.

Billy: its over. Your finish.

Billy charged the thunder triceratops at he monster shooting its lazer beams. The beams struck the monster in head in the head causing his head to explode then his body. After the monster was destroyed, billy went to help Adam in Argentina destroying the monsters in Argentina they slip up going opposite directions. Adam  went to Chicago to Help Rocky in the U.S. while Billy went to Africa to help Aisha and Kimberly. Tommy defeated his monster as well and headed to Australia to face the monster down there.

In Africa, Aisha was facing  three monsters at a time by herself and it was difficult for her because the monsters were ganging up on her and she was facing the monsters alone. The monster was about to rip Aisha zord apart, Billy jumped in to save her. Billy was able to destroy one of the monsters and help Aisha fight one. They were able to destroy the monsters in Nigeria and help Kimberley in Ghana to help her fight off three monster. The three went to south Africa to fight monsters down there. Over in the U.S, Rocky is in New York fighting Monsters while Adam was in Chicago fighting a monster over there. He was able to defeat the monster and went to Detroit to face a monster over there.  While Tommy is in Australia fighting two monsters. The monsters where all over the world and the rangers where helpless because the had their hands foul with other monsters. But they got a radio call from someone out off nowhere.

Person: Hi rangers, this is the Red ranger from light speed rescue and my team and other rangers are here to help you guys fight these monsters.  The wild force team will be in Brazil fighting monsters down there. The Time force rangers in London, England, the galaxy rangers in Spain, the space rangers in Greece and the senti  Rangers in India, Japan, China, and other parts Asia. We are a team and we should have each other backs. when one team of rangers are threaten, all are threaten. Good luck rangers and let the powers protected.

The rangers where so relieve that they finally get help from another ranger team. they thought that they where the only ones fighting off these monsters by themselves. They are glade that other rangers are out there.

On the other hand, Tommy was by himself in Australia fighting two monster by himself. Tommy was in trouble and need help.

Tommy: Zordon, Am getting my ass whooped out here I need help.

The monster beat Tommy's Tiger zord so bad that his zord fell to the ground. Tommy thought he was defeated until a lazer blast came out of nowhere and hit both monster. Tommy saw a zord that looked like a bird flew blast him.

Kiyah: dont worry Tommy, you dont have to fight alone. I am here.

Tommy recognized the voice. it was Kiyah in a zord. It was purple with the head has gold lining and the zord looked like a bird the looked like a peak cock. The peacock landed right next to the tiger zord. The monster charged at the zord with a sword. Kiyah look around to see what button to use. Kiyah finally see a button that looks like it has different colors on it.

Kiyah: here goes nothing.

Kiyah push the button and the feather on the back of the peacock started to light up. then the feather shoot Hugh beams at one of the monsters and destroyed it.Tommy finally got his zord working and got it off the ground. The other monster was charging at Tommy and Kiyah. Tommy pulled out his sword and struck the monster down destroying it. Before Tommy can reach Kiyah. Rita came out of nowhere. She was not happy that the power rangers has succeed in destroying her monsters. On top of that, they had help with other rangers. Then Lord Zedd face appeared in  the sky. People from around the world can see him including the power rangers.

Lord Zedd: you may have won this battle rangers, but the war is still going. You may have help with other rangers but we have allies as well.

Kiyah looked up in the sky to see spaceships in the sky. all the enemies of the power rangers team up as well to take them down. Kiyah could not believe this is happening. she thought that the battle was over but it was not over now that lord Zedd had allies as well.

Lord Zedd: it not over rangers as you can see every enemy of the power rangers has join force to take over the universe. Times up power rangers. Surrender now!!!!!! 

Kiyah looked @ Tommy and Tommy looked at Kiyah. they knew they have a long battle ahead of them and it's going to be messy.

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