Chapter 11

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After church, I went back to L.A to look for my friend. When I got there, half of the city was in ruins and people were walking the streets. I began looking everywhere for her. I went to the school. The school was destroyed. I saw a guy and I began to asked him about my friend.

Kiyah: Hello sir, Have you seen my friend?

I showed him the picture of my friend

I showed him the picture of my friend

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The man: no, I never seen her before.

Kiyah: thank you sir.

I continue to look for my friend until I decided to to go her house. When I got there, the house was in ruins. I slowly run my fingers though my hair, fell on my knees and started to cry.
I cryed so hard that my eye began to swell. I heard the phone ring but I did not answer because I was in morning. After crying my eyes out, I went to the nearest park and sat on the bench. The park that I went to is the park from my childhood. Me and Shawnty went to this park with our moms. We would chase each other playing tag. As I was rembering this, I started to cry again because I miss my friend. I heard my phone ring again, I dried my tears away and collcted myself and answered the phone.

Kiyah: Hello?

Tommy: Hey Kiyah, are you alright?

I started to cry.

Kiyah: Tommy, I my friend is dead because I went to her school and her house and there in ruin. I asked everyone and no one seen them.

Tommy: Kiyah, Iam sorry that you are going throw this. Dont give up your friend, she might be still alive.

Kiyah: But I do not know where to look.

Tommy: Kiyah, go home and get some rest. That the best thing you can ever do.

Kiyah: ok.

Tommy: Ill talk to you later.

I began to head home. As I was heading home, my mom calls me.

Kiyah: Hello?

Tanya: Kiyah, come home quick.

Kiyah: what's worng mom.

Tanya: I tell you when you get home. Its important.

As soon as I got home my mom was in the livingroom with other people. Wnen I look at them clearly. It was Shawnty and her family, the survive the attack. I ran up and hughed my friend crying.

Kiyah: I thought you were dead.

Shawnty: girl, I thought I was going to die but we mad it out alive.

Kiyah was so happy to see her best friend that she could not let her go.

Kiyah: are you staying with us?

Shawnty: no girl. We will be getting a hotel out here. We will be closer now.

Kiyah was so happy to see her friend and her family alive. Now that they be closer. They can hang out just like old times.
Meanwhile, the ranger was at the juice bar. They can not believe that they lost there powers.

Adam: I kind of miss being a power ranger.

Aisha: Me too but Zordon told us to lay low for a while until we get ate powers back.

As the teens were hanging out, Tommy came in.

Everyone: Hi Tommy.

Kimberly: Tommy whats up?

Tommy: nothing much. I finished talking to Kiyah. She is really devastate about her friend. She thinks she dead.

Aisha: that not good. I need to talk to her to see if shes ok.

Tommy: I told her to go home get some rest. I hope she dose she needs it.

As the power rangers were talking, There was another attack, this time in Paris, France.

Rocky: Its the same monster.

Billy: what can we do. Without our powers we cant do anything.

As Rangers were wathing the t.v helpless, they see a group of five power rangers fighting off the monster.

Aisha: who are they?

Kimberly: I do not know but they seem to be on our side.

Tommy watch the power rangers on the t.v. he was wondering who the power rangers are.

As the teens looked on. They see the power rangers use the mega zord. The power rangers fighting the moster thunder head to head. The ranger seem to be getting the upper hand but the monster seem to out do them as well. As the fight continue. The rangers attacks seem to have little affected on the monster but they seem to manage to get the upper hand on the moster. The moster retreats and the rangers have the victory. Everyone cheered including the teens. The rangers seem to won the battle but the war is not over.

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