Chapter 23, Monster

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Bular waited and waited. He prowled all night until the sun bled through the trees. Bular had no choice but to retreat to the forest again.

He grumbled, walking on all fours, digging his claws into the soft earth beneath him. He needed to get to Jim before the trolls convinced him he was something else than a Gumm-Gumm prince. This would be the best time to do it as Jim seemed easily influenced in his most recent state of being.


"You're great at this, Jim!" Draal cheered as the half-troll dodged a giant ax effortlessly. Jim was training in the arena. He was already warmed up after going around chasing after gnomes. He had caught them easily, and got a good run in. Blinky and Draal were speaking quietly amongst one another, about Jim of course. So far he believed everything he had been told. He was the Trollhunter. He was helpful, kind, and heroic. He was afraid(to keep the senses sharp) and the one part neither troll could break was his habit of being ferociously violent and vicious. No troll wanted to get into a scuffle with him.

His aggressive tactics in a fight were like nothing the trolls of Trollmarket had ever seen. Although they expected as much from a Gumm-Gumm. Blinky and Draal watched Jim train like it was also a light workout. Not very challenging.

Soon, Jim was bored and hopped down the center platform to the outer part of the ring, walking over to the others. Aarrrg was there and the two horsed around a bit before they both approached Blinky and Draal.

"How did I do?" He asked the two trolls, barely even winded.

"A marvelous job, master Jim! Quite a sight to behold!" Blinky said while putting his hands together. Draal nodded. "Your skill is great, Jim."

He nodded, but his smile soon faded, his head lowering. "I should go now..." the trolls gasped, Draal stepping forward. "What? Why??"

Jim rubbed the back if his neck, scratching his fur. "I should go back to my brother. He's probably worried sick about me. I... I ran away from him. I must've hurt his feelings." Jim said glumly. Draal had to hold back a scoff. "Er... it's daytime right now, you'd burn up, my mate." Draal leaned in and licked Jim on the cheek. Jim backed away, wiping his cheek with his hand.

"No, I'll risk it. You're kind of strange, Draal." The spiky troll ground his teeth together in anger but refrained from speaking. "I'll come back and visit you guys though. Aarrrg is fun to wrestle with, and Blinky knows so much stuff!" Jim chuckled and ran off. Draal was irritated Jim had said nothing about him other than that he was strange. Perhaps it was too soon to push the whole 'mate' thing on him now, Draal thought.


Bular hadn't moved from his spot all day. He waited for Jim or nightfall. Whichever came first. He was surprised that it was Jim. He blinked a few times as he saw Jim walk out through the portal, and under the shade of the bridge. It was about mid-day. "Jim!" Bular called out to her the smaller's attention. Jim looked over and smiled, running out and into the sun.

The dark prince gasped and tried to tell him to go back, but before the words left his mouth Jim had already reached the trees. He collapsed on the ground, hissing in pain as the petrification slowly went away. "You idiot. Don't ever do that again." Bular sighed as he carefully picked Jim up, looking him over for injuries that weren't from petrification. He smelled of all sorts of trolls, but Bular was exceptionally upset when he most smelled Draal.

"What did he do to you? That big, blue, stupid-looking one." Jim answered immediately, making Bular chuckle at his response. "Oh, you mean Draal? Yeah, he's odd. But nothing."

"Glad to hear it. Stay away from there, you hear me?"

Bular set Jim down and he followed along. "Well, I might stay way from Draal, but the others are nice, and I helped them out a lot."

The larger rolled his eyes. "If you cannot be persuaded otherwise..." Bular seemed to be struggling to finish his sentence. Jim looked up at him, raising an eyebrow. "Fine. Just stay away from Draal. At all costs." Bular finally spat out. He had all night and day to think, and realized that Jim was already a loose cannon and trying to stop him would not achieve anything but make the two grow apart.

He was lucky Jim didn't return to him as an enemy, if at all. Jim seemed satisfied with Bular's response, nodding his head.

The two returned to their camp across the stream and sat down. Bular was tired from all the stress, but Jim didn't feel anything. He laid on his back, the amulet in his hand as he sprawled out, looking up at the trees. He listened to the sounds of flowing water and animals.

He didn't understand. His brother hated the trolls at Trollmarket, and the trolls seemed to hate his brother. He figured because the other trolls were nice. Not monsters. But, he was a monster like Bular, so what made him different? He lifted the amulet up and looked at it for a long time. The night was already falling, and Jim had not moved an inch.

Sereya finally returned, a few animals in tow for dinner. Jim smelled the blood and moved for the first time in hours. He sat up, setting the amulet down and staring at the animals his mother carted in and set next to the fire area, where she began making a fire.

"You know, Bular, you could have set up the fire so I didn't have to do anything. I'm already out hinging for you." She said, giving the large troll the side-eye. He grumbled and began skinning the animals as per Sereya's request. He could have torn into the beast just how it was, but she was picky.

Jim stood up and slowly walked over behind Bular, his upper lip twitching as he slowly opened his mouth, saliva dripping into the ground. Bular felt a prickly feeling on his back and turned to look, only to have Jim lunge at him, teeth bared and his sharp claws outstretched. Bular dodged by rolling out of the way, watching the half-troll land on, and begin to tear into the animals. Sereya gasped, startled by the sudden commotion.

"Jim, knock that off!" She yelled, standing up. Bular reached over and grabbed Jim by the scruff, lifting him up, but he took a rabbit with him, teeth bearing into the animal. "Drop it, Jim," Bular ordered, but Jim kept gnawing away. Sereya gasped, pointing at Jim. "Look at his eyes..."

Bular grunted and turned Jim to he was facing him. Jim's eyes were completely black.
Bular wasted sure what to make of it, but Jim seemed less aggressive while he made a mess of the rabbit. It got vicious when Sereya took the rabbit and tried to scold him. Even Bular could barely hold him. "Just give him back the stupid animal!"

When she tossed the rabbit back Jim tore into it again. Bular set Jim down and huffed. He had a fun idea but knew Sereya would strongly disapprove. When the she-troll was busy with the food again, Bular grabbed up Jim and ran toward the town, hoping he could have some fun with his little brother while he was like this. He had been craving human for a while now.

"How would you like a fresh kill, brother?" Bular said with a grin. Jim was only focused on what was left of the small animal, however. Bular just chuckled. Soon the critter would be gone and Jim would want larger game. Hopefully, this exercise would bring Jim back to his Gumm-Gumm roots.

The two stayed just far enough in the forest not to be seen, but they were already upon the town. Jim had finished the rabbit and licked his lips, staring at something. A human was walking down the street accompanied by a dog.

The dog stopped and looked toward the trees, growling and barking suddenly.

Bular smiled wickedly. It was time. He let go of Jim's scruff. "Go fetch, brother."

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