Chapter 6, Hunters

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Jim followed Bular closely as they walked through the twisted Darklands. Jim was clad head to toe in black and green Gumm-Gumm armour to protect his body. Though he was strong, he was still a half troll and therefore had a frail body by default. He wore a helmet that went as far as to cover his horns and entire face too.

His father took every precaution for him and Jim couldn't tell if that was a good thing or not. Either his father pitied him and knew he couldn't handle anything, or was trying to keep him safe. And Jim was pretty sure it was the first one.

But Jim was determined to show everyone that being a half troll would not stunt his growth as a son of Gunmar or as a Gumm-Gumm prince. He would be right there, standing next to Bular as an equal.

"Are you listening Jim?"

Jim blinked and looked at Bular. "Uh, of course." He laughed awkwardly. "Then what did I just tell you? Repeat it word for word." Jim knew he was in trouble now. He laughed again and patted Bular's arm. "Fine, sorry brother. I wasn't paying attention."

"A blind fool could see that, brother." Bular spat in annoyance. "Anyways. The bridge is just up behind those rocks. Now let me tell you again. When we get there, you need to-"

Jim was already running up to the bridge, too excited to listen to what his brother had to say.
He looked at the green swirl of magic and grinned in excitement. Bular had caught up and just shoved him, watching him fall into the portal before jumping in himself.

The world had changed drastically and Jim couldn't focus on just one thing. He looked around and sniffed everything. The forest was quiet and the moon was full, illuminating the world around him in a pale glow. Bular was then beside him, smiling a bit.

"Now little brother, we must go hunt while the night is still young."

Jim nodded and followed Bular, continuing to take in the strange scenery. It was so different from the Darklands. He got on all fours, yanking out some grass and eating it, his helmet disapearing partially where his mouth was. Bular pulled him to his feet. "Our quarry is near, prepare yourself."

The helmet closed back up and Jim drew his weapon, following his brother closely. "Don't be noisy, the thrill is stalking your prey, getting into their mind and making them taste fear."  There was movement ahead. Bular stopped walking, but shoved Jim foreward. "You first."

"What happened to showing me?" Jim hissed quietly.  "I'll assist if needed. This is your first hunt, not mine."

Jim sighed and crept foreward, blade readied as he tried to get his mind set on the hunt. He heard something off to the side, which caught his attention however. I was a good ways off still, and he wouldn't be deterred from his hunt. He stalked foreward till the human was in his sight. He wanted to follow Bular's words but his eagerness got to him and he lunged foreward and tackled the human to the ground, covering their mouth as his helmet opened and he bit down on the squirming creature's throat.

The first taste of blood shook him, and he was instantly hooked. He devoured the still alive human, listening to the muffled screams before they died out. He gorged on the flesh till only bones remained, his brother watching with a smirk.

"How did it taste? Your skills need obvious work but I am proud of you-"

Jim licked his lips and stood up, kicking the bones and looking back at Bular. "I want more, brother."

Bular now heard the noise that was growing ever closer. "That will have to wait, we must go now." Jim growled, salivating. "Why should we? The night is young, as you said. And I am not satisfied with just one."

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