Chapter 16, Reunion

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Bular heaved a heavy sigh. He was finally there. Arcadia. And just before the sun rose too.

He ran for the Janus order and had Otto let him in. The changelings all feared for their lives now. Bular was in the worst mood ever. It has taken ages to cross the continent to get to here, especially when he had to stop every day. He was tired from his non-stop journey and was extremely irritable.

While he was there, Otto explained that Killahead was almost completed. This lightened the dark prince's sour mood somewhat. And even more relieved when Otto said that Jim had been there.

Of course he left, and they hadn't seen him since. When he caught word that the human Jim kept around for entertainment had been there too, he ordered him brought immediately.


Toby was on his way to school when he ran into Nomura.

"Huh? Shouldn't you be at the museum?"

"Yes. However, the dark prince requests I bring you to him."

"Oh, Jimbo came back?"

"The dark prince, Bular, requests your presence." Nomura corrected. Toby sucked his teeth and looked around.

"Uhmm.... I have a test in history today soooooo..."

"Oh, don't worry about that. It will be covered." She smiled and picked Toby up, carrying him to the car.

It had been months since Jim ran off- again. He had no idea what became of him. But now he had more pressing matters. What did Jim's scary brother want with a nobody like him?

Was he going to eat him? Nomura did say what might happen if Jim wasn't around and well, Jim wasn't around.

When they arrived Toby tried to make a run for it but it was in vain, of course. Nomura walked him in and they descended the elevator platform.

As soon as they got off Toby felt extremely anxious, as if the entire area had a bad vibe to it. When he has face to face with Bular this time, there was no sunlight to keep them apart.

He looked up at the monstrous figure and gulped.

"H-hey man... looking good..."

Toby averted his gaze to the floor, waiting to meet his end.

"Human, have you come into contact with Jim recently?"

Toby blinked, then looked back up at the troll.

"I actually haven't... I haven't seen him since the last time I was here. He seemed pretty worried, maybe it was upset? I'm not sure but he was acting strange when he left. It was after he stuck his face in a weird portal."

Bular glanced over at Otto, who flinched.

"Oh, yes. Mein Kaiser spoke with him when he was here..."

Bular roared and slammed his fist into the wall. He looked at Toby, who screwed his eyes shut and tensed up.

"You will stay with me, fleshbag. We get Jim back tonight."

Toby just nodded as he knew he really didn't have a say.


Jim sighed and stared at the ceiling of Kanjigar's cave. Draal sat beside him happily.

Jim had sounded happy before, but now he was just irritated. Stupid Draal and his stupid blackmail.

He sat up and stretched, raising his arms up and then dropping them back to his sides with a huff.

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