Chapter 11, Vanity Session

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In the end, Jim ended up going back with Draal and Kanjigar. He was subdued by Draal's pheromones the whole way, making him dizzy.

He was seething with rage but as usual, was unable to express it. He looked over at the Heartstone in the distance and kept adding to his escape plan.

Soon they were back in Kanjigar's cave and Draal brought Jim to his room, tossing him on the floor and closing the curtain behind them.

Draal released more of his pheromones, overwhelming Jim who couldn't even stand now.

"Be a good omega and nest. I wish to bed you soon." Draal laughed wickedly before leaving the room. Jim made fists, feeling hot tears pour down his cheeks. He clenched his teeth and forced himself to stop this pathetic display.

He sniffled and sat up, looking at all the blankets and pillows in the corner. He felt the urge but stopped himself., standing up. His head felt fuzzy, and he couldn't think straight. It wasn't long before he gave in and started making himself a nest. Draal peeked in on occasion, smirking as he watched Jim do his bidding.

Jim soon finished his nest and the fuzzy feeling left. He blinked and looked down at the neatly made nest infront of him and scowled, quickly starting to tear it apart and then he proceeded to run out of the room. He ran into Draal who looked less than pleased. He picked Jim up by his scruff and threw him back into the room.

"Make it again, runt. And keep it this time."

Jim knew now what had happened before and bolted past the blue troll before he could release his pheromones this time. Draal roared but Jim just kept running, evading the cruel alpha, soon finding himself at the Heartstone. He ran inside and bumped into Vendel.

"Jim? What are you doing here?"

Jim caught his breath and spoke. "I want to leave Trollmarket." He panted.

Vendel raised a brow, then shook his head.

"Not in your weakened state."

"Kanjigar won't let me train!" Jim said in frustration.

Vendel shook his head and took Jim by the shoulders, leading him over to a place where he could sit.

"Training is not what you need night now. You've been starving yourself, Jim. You can't train properly if your body isn't healthy."

Jim was about to argue but stopped, looking a bit taken back and surprised.

"You'll let me train?"

Vendel nodded. "Yes? Every troll can do as they wish. There is nothing to stop you and there's nothing wrong with an omega like yourself learning to fight. It will help you keep the alphas away."

"Yeah right... they just use their pheromones on me anyways. But Kanjigar told me omegas shouldn't be training and that it's not their place."

Vendel laughed. "He's always like that. Don't take what he says to heart. He's just very protective of you, that's all."

Jim scowled in annoyance but nodded in agreement and acceptance. He'd have to change his plan again. Another thought passed his mind in which he stood up and looked at Vendel.

"The reason im here is because Draal is chasing me. He wants to... You know... He's an alpha, I'm an omega..."

Vendel blinked in surprise.

"Oh... interesting... well if you don't want to then that's your choice."

"He just uses he's pheromones on me! That's what I was saying earlier!"

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