Chapter 4, Young Troubles

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Bular wathced over Jim as much as he could, and it was hard to keep his cover from his father. Jim needed constant attention or risk being discovered when he cried. Bular took measures he never thought he would, going as far as to sing- yes sing- to Jim to lull him to sleep on occasion.

Bular felt ridiculous just about all the time, but he got over it for his little brother's sake.

"You are so troublesome."

Jim giggled as Bular rocked him in his arm, using his free hand to practice his fighting forms. Jim was usually well behaved when he was with Bular, but left to his own devices... well he was definitely a Gumm-Gumm. Bular couldn't keep track of every time he returned to his room to find things gnawed on and broken. Jim had even chewed up one of Bular's small throwing daggers. It wasn't that big of a deal as he seldom used them, but he was more concerned that Jim might have hurt himself.

As Bular switched arms to practice, he heard a pounding fist on his door.

He froze and set his sword down, then quietly set Jim down in the darkest corner of the room.

"Hush brother."

Jim sucked on his own hand silently, looking at Bular who turned to face the door quickly.

"Enter!" He called out as the door opened and a guard walked in. Bular wouldn't admit it, but Jim was so freaking awesome at listening... most times anyways. Even now he sat quietly as ordered, Bular kind of thought him as an obedient pet at times. Bular listened to the guard, keeping himself between the guard and Jim as a barrier. Once the guard left he turned around.

"All clear."

Upon hearing those specific words, Jim giggled and pulled his slobbery hand out of his mouth as Bular picked him up once again.

Bular sighed a bit as he rubbed the top of Jim's head, listening to him purr.

His father had assigned him another mission. He'd be by himself, but as usual it was a dangerous task. He had recently left Jim there for all missions but he decided that for the ones when he was by himself, he'd bring Jim. He wasn't practicing his sword skills with one hand for nothing.

"We have a mission little brother. Are you ready to be covered in blood and gore?" Jim clapped his hands together excitedly and Bular couldn't help but let out a small laugh. He figured that by doing this it would help Jim become stronger, though he would never actually fight.

Bular grabbed his two swords, putting one on his back and carrying the other in his free hand. He gave Jim a small dulled blade to hold, which he thought was adorable. He cleared his throat when he found himself staring at Jim for over a minute, looking away. Gunmar was foolish for not keeping Jim, but Bular would keep that to himself.

"Are you ready for battle, little brother?"

Jim let out a small half-growl in agreement and the two set off into the Darklands.

They hid when a few guards approached and then continued on their way. Bular hummed a bit to Jim until they got to their destination. They both smiled at their quarry and raised their swords.

Jim squealed, bearing his tiny sharp teeth in challenge at the creature, Bular mimicking and letting out a roar instead.

After the fact, Bular headed back with Jim, both covered in monster guts.

Bular stopped suddenly, his father standing infront of his room, waiting. Bular did an underhand toss and watched as Jim slid off down another corridor. He slid pretty far due to the slime and guts he was covered in. Bular then walked foreward.

"Father. What brings you here?"

Gunmar looked over and looked at his son in all his gore-covered glory. He let out a laugh and gave Bular a hard smack on the shoulder.

"Glad your back son... I figured we could spar?"

Jim squealed from down the other hallway, making Bular laugh loudly to cover it up.

"Nothing would make me feel better, father!"

Gunmar nodded, glancing past Bular. Bular clenched his jaw but tired to relax.

"What's wrong father?"

"I heard something...."

"Probably just a goblin. Let's not waste time to spar."

Gunmar smiled his crooked smile and the two headed off, Bular becoming more antsy and nervous. He had to get Jim back in the room before someone discovered him. Once they were in another corridor Bular stopped.

"Oh, hold on father, I must do something."

Gunmar glanced back suspiciously but his son was already gone. Bular ran on all fours back to Jim who was right where he was left. He scooped Jim up in one swift motion and headed back to the room, setting him down. Bular then scraped all the guts off of himself and dropped them to the floor with a gross sounding 'plop'.

"Eat up brother, and hush."

He then closed the door and returned to his father sheepishly, who hadn't moved from where they had been stopped.

"You stopped us to clean yourself off?"

Bular could only manage a nod. Gunmar scowled a bit but just let out a grunt of knowledgment. The two soon continued on to the battle arena.

Once in the arena the two faced opposite of eachother amd drew their weapons. Gunmar took notice that Bular only had one sword out instead of his usual two. He charged first and watched Bular closely, who turned and blocked the attack with his sword, unconsciously turning his body in a protective gesture like he was holding Jim.

Gunmar was silently trying to figure out what his son was doing. He was acting quite odd recently. Gunmar made a few mental notes, then purposely focused on Bular's free hand, watching his reactions carefully.

Bular was on autopilot, not thinking about what he was doing. He kept his free hand close to his body as if he was cradling Jim. He soon did get his head in the game after realizing what Gunmar was doing. He then brought his other sword into the battle and fought fiercely.

They fought for a very long time before Gunmar called a halt.

"That is all for now, my son."

Bular nodded, waiting for his father to exit the arena before he did so himself. He then slipped off to his room, but not entirely unnoticed. Gunmar watched his son, scowling slightly. But then he simply turned and walked back to the throne room.

He knew his son was up to something, but he'd leave it alone... for now.

Moonlit Horns (Trollhunters fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora