Chapter 8, Eyes Open

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Jim crawled around, looking for more things to eat. He found an odd looking device which he started gnawing on when Toby suddenly burst through the door.

"Jim! Spit my controller out!" Toby shouted, dropping two shopping bags on the floor by the door and running over. Jim pulled the slimy device out of his mouth and handed it to Toby who took it by two fingers, looking at it in slight disgust.

"A controller? Do others follow your command with it?"

"What? No, well yes... it's complicated. Anyways-" Toby set the controller back where it belonged and then wiped his hand on his shirt.

"-I have clothes for you. I should have measured you before I left to be sure, but I think I got it right."

Jim stood up and followed Toby to the bags. He picked one up, sniffing it and them turned it upside down as he did so. Clothes fell to the floor which startled Jim when one touched his foot. He jumped back, only to his in pain from his wound.

"Careful Jimbo! Why don't you sit down for now?" Toby took Jim by his hand and had him sit on the bed. He then paused and looked closer at Jim's hand, and then the other one.

"Woah, I didn't notice your hands before."

Jim pulled his hand away and hid both behind him. "Don't look at them." He mumbled. Toby was a bit disappointed but smiled and grabbed up the clothes Jim dropped.

"You should see your eyes though. Super pretty." Toby laughed. Jim didn't understand, simply staying silent.

"Let's start with shirts first. I got you a jacket as well since we're supposed to have a storm tonight."

Jim nodded and sat there, looking at Toby. Toby looked back and then laughed. "Oh, let me help you."

There wasn't a wrestling match this time but Jim did freak out again when the shirt got stuck on his horns again. Then he sat quietly as Toby ran over and switched the lights on since he was keeping the curtains closed. Jim shielded his eyes for a moment, but was at ease as he didn't burn.

"Try this shirt on first, it a wider collar." Jim took the shirt and waited again. Toby sighed.

"I can't dress you all the time Jimbo, here I'll show you, and you follow my lead."

Toby took off his pullover, leaving his yellow undershirt on. "Alright, do what I do." Jim watched and followed Toby's demonstration, and then got the hang of it, smiling. "Now let me get the mirror from my Nana's room and you can see how you look!"


Toby ran out and came back a minute later, dragging a body mirror with him and leaning it on the wall infront of Jim. "Take a look buddy!"

Jim looked at himself for the first time in his entire life. He put a hand up to his face, frowning slightly. He stood up and walked towards the mirror, and then touched it. "Is this what I look like?"

Toby nodded, walking to his side. "Yeah, the mirror is showing your reflection."

Jim just stared at himself. He looked nothing like his brother or father. How could he even sure he was truly related to them? His eyes were two different colors. He wouldn't call them 'pretty', but he was pleased that one looked like Gunmar's at least. He looked at his hands again, and his previous thought vanished. He watched as his hands started to tremble.

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