Chapter 25 Reassessing The Truth

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Jim rubbed his forehead, glancing around the room. It even smelled familiar, though he couldn't recall why. The stout human was also familiar, and seemed generally good.

"So, uh... what were you up to last night?" Toby asked, looking around for another sock as nonchalantly as he could. "Jim stopped to think, his memories seeming fuzzy. "I'm not sure, I can't recall anything."

Toby sighed deeply in relief before clamping up when Jim looked at him. "Well, you know what they say, if you can't remember it wasn't important." Toby joked nervously. Jim cocked his head to the side. "Who's they?"

"Uh, don't worry about it." Toby said quickly waving his hand a bit. The two stood in the dark room for a few moments before Jim began poking around.

"I should go." He said after a while. "It's daytime, Jimbo. You can't go out." Toby reminded him. Jim huffed and began pacing around the room. Toby watched him for a while before going to his TV and turning it on, grabbing one of his games. The TV had  been on the news, and a man's face was in the top corner.

Jim looked over at the sudden blue glow and his eyes widened. This human looked familiar, though he couldn’t recall ever meeting him. Toby changed the input to his game, and Jim tackled him, mumbling frantically. "Go back. Go back to that other one." Toby had thought Jim was actually attacking him. But that was only because his nails had cut him in the struggle.

Toby changed the input back quickly. And Jim stared at screen. "This man was found dead this morning, and forensics conclude it was an animal attack. The forest area had been closed off and it is advised to stay away while a team goes out to hunt whatever it is. This has been one of many, but nothing has ever come to light." Toby and Jim came to the exact same conclusion, but each reacted differently.

"You attacked him, didn't you?" Toby said dumbfounded, fear creeping into his voice As he stood up and backed away. Jim just remained staring into the screen, but his wide, fanged smile was the only answer Toby needed.

He flinched as Jim sprung up and looked at him. "I remember now! The most delicious thing I've had to eat in ages! Have you ever tried human? Oh. I guess that might be odd." Toby agreed outright. "Yeah, Jim. It is weird. You're weird. My Nana has an umbrella downstairs. I'll give so you so you can go back with the rest of your kind."

Jim paused, tilting his head. "Why are you so angry?" Toby laughed halfheartedly. "Well. Since you seem to be loose a few screws since last we met,  I walked out of that place with the hope I didn't have to see you again. A monster, off to destroy the world and whatnot."

Jim was quiet, at a loss for words. Toby opened his bedroom door and retrived the umbrella in the time it took the half troll to process his thoughts. "Sorry Jimbo, but I don't think we can be friends. As I said before it was just to keep you from eating me." Toby held out the umbrella, but Jim just stared at it.

"Sheesh." Toby walked over to the window and threw open open curtains, light pouring into the room. Jim backed up after getting singed. Toby opened the window and held the umbrella outside  opening it up too.

Once the light was blocked Jim approached. "You hold it like this, and stay under it until you get back to wherever you're staying." Toby briefly explained. Jim reluctantly did so and crawled out of the window, hearing it slam shut behind him.

He glanced back but the curtains had already been closed. Jim stood there for a while, watching his shadow move as the sun rose higher into the sky. He finally hopped down and began to trudge back to the woods. As he did he began tearing off the clothes Toby had given him in anger.

Only one word continued to pop up in his mind. Monster. He gritted his teeth, a growl escaping his throat. He managed to find the treeline, but was stopped by a human. "Sorry sir, this area has been closed... off." The police officer halted in her tracks after she saw what was under the umbrella.

Jim glared at her and bared his teeth. "What do you see, human?" Jim aked angrily, his fur raising in agitation. "!" The woman screeched, reaching for her gun.

Jim tackled her and bit into her throat. Once she has stopped moving he let go and dragged her by the leg into the forest, discarding the umbrella. Jim felt an anger like nothing he had ever felt, and worse, bits and pieces of memories came back to him.

He remembered stillness. And the loud thump of a heartbeat. Then he recalled feeling a sudden fridged cold and crying. He remembered voices, angry and screaming. By the time looked back up, he stood infront of the mud hut. Bular and Sereya both sat beside the fire, where rabbits were cooking.

Bular noticed Jim first and stood up. "Brother, you're back." Jim snarled and launched the officer's  body at him, who caught it ungracfully. Bular looked down and then back up. Sereya did the same, face revolted by the body. "Jim, how could you?! Eating people is bad!" She scolded, standing up.

"Then you think I'm a monster too?" Jim asked, expression saddening in defeat. Both Bular and the she-troll were caught off guard.

"No Jim! I would never think such a thing!" Bular rushed over to Jim, leaving the body behind and picking him up. "Who made you so upset, Jim? Tell me and I will gladly rip then to shreds."

Jim pointed at the officer and sighed. "Who else?" Bular pressed, knowing his brother wasn't being wholly truthful. "Was it that pudgy human from last night?" Bular knew he hit the nail on the head when Jim flinched at the mention of the human in question.

Jim wiggled his way out of his brother's arm. "If they all see a monster, then who am I to disappoint?" He looked back at Bular, his eyes melding back into black. Bular was at a loss for a moment until Jim lifted his arm and the amulet flew into it.

"What's so special about this amulet anyway? You told me to keep it close." Jim ran his finger across the words engraved around it. Bular sighed. "Sit down, I'll tell all I can about what you forgot."

Bular started from the beginning, up till now. Jim listened quietly, some things coming back, but others remaining fragmented or lost all together. What he did remember made him come to a conclusion.

He was a son of Gunmar, he was a Gumm-Gumm, and that he couldn't stand being seen as weak. He scoffed suddenly, startling the other two. He stood up and tossed the amulet to Bular. "You go ahead and keep that. Take it to the bridge or whatever, I have to get the other side of the story."

Bular could only manage a nod before Jim ran off on all fours. Bular watched and waited for the amulet to fly off in pursuit of Jim, but it did nothing more than rest in his palm.

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