Chapter 10, Unforgiving Ire

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Jim sat in his own room that Kanjigar had made for him. There were many soft blankets and pillows around the room, which made Jim grind his teeth. He would not be tamed. He would remain wild and make Kanjigar go through hell. Kanjigar would suffer every passing moment.

Jim sat in a corner of the room, having thrown all the blankets and pillows into a single corner furthest away from where he would be sleeping.

Kanjigar walked in, pushing back a weathered curtain that acted as a door.

"Son, I have some food for you. Please eat something."

Jim was almost skin and bone by now. He sat in the corner every hour of the day. He told himself he was gong to make Kanjigar suffer and he supposed this was one way of doing it. It wasn't really going to help him in the long run though. He just had no appetite anyways.

He felt a terrible pain in his chest whenever he thought of his father and brother.

Kanjigar had called it 'depression'.

Jim closed his eyes, turning his head away from the Trollhunter who sighed.

"Please eat something Jim. I know you aren't the happiest with me right now but I promise you'll feel better. You're no Gumm-Gumm."

Jim growled slighty at that, but stayed put.

"Fine. I'll ask Draal to help you out instead."

Moments later Draal walked into the room in Kanjigar's place, scowling.

"Runt, eat your food." He demanded, slamming the food down infront of Jim. From what he picked up, Draal didn't particularly like him.

"Hey. If you don't like me maybe you can help me leave." Jim mumbled, looking up at the blue troll.

"I never said that."

"But you imply it all the time, you big ugly brute."

Draal growled, releasing his pheromones on Jim and left while Jim had a panic attack. Jim hated Draal just as much as Draal hated him. Jim found amusement toying with Draal and making him angry.

The best part was that he fell for it all the time.

Once Jim had calmed down, he sighed and finally ate for the first time in a week.

Jim was in the process of rethinking his plan of escape when someone else entered his room. He looked over to see Vendel, the old troll who was like the leader here in Trollmarket.

"What do you want you old goat?" Jim said rudely, not even making eye contact. Vendel huffed.

"I've been busy this past week, but now I'm finally here to see what the twisted Gumm-Gumms have done to the once precious little half toll. And by Deya I don't like what I'm seeing."

"If you don't like it then don't look. Or better yet, just go away."

Jim stood up and walked over to Vendel, looking up at him. He then made a 'shoo, shoo' gesture.

Vendel gasped slightly and scoffed, walking out. "Raised by Gumm-Gumms indeed."

Jim went to shut his curtain that Vendel just left open, Draal's large hand grabbed the curtain first. Jim backed away from the doorway as the spiky troll walked back in.

"What do you want now?" Jim asked impatiently.

"I'm here to get you to go outside of your room for a change. My father worries."

"Let him worry then."

Jim crossed his arms, glaring at Draal who glared right back. He then just grabbed Jim's arm and began dragging him out. Jim was already sick and tired of having to listen to trolls that thought they could do as they please just because they were stronger than him.

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