part:1 -"Thats Him"

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Hey... Its my first story writing.. Plz support me guys if you like my story... I am writting something what i wanna read..
Plz enjoy..🤗

Author's pov,

"Whats that sound?" hoseok said as he looked back. It was a boy who tripped in the middle of the road. A car was comming in high speed but the boy didnt notice as he was in pain in his left feet. The boy was trying to stand up.

Hoseok was shoked he ran towards him and pulled him to a side of the road and they fell together side by side with a thud.

They both got hurt on their left side. Hoseok got up and helped the boy to get up too. He is more hurt than Hoseok as he tripped before too and that was also hurting him more to his left feet.

Hoseok helped him sit on a bench besides the road. Hoseok noticed that he cut his feet & its bleeding.

Hoseok's pov,

I saw him bleeding. I was scared. I thought i shouldn't let him bleed. So i ran towards the store on another side of the road to bought first aid.
"Hey, stay here ok? I am comming in a minute. " i said & run.

After 5 minutes i come back. But... But.. "He.. is not here." I mumbled.
I tried to find him but he was gone totally. I couldn't find him. I looked everywhere i could at that moment. But still Couldn't find him. "How can he vanish this first? " i mumbled in my head.

I returned to my room. I am new here. Its been only 2 days i came here. The room is totally dark. No one is waiting for me to come home like others.

This only picture i have of my mom.

"Mom where are you? Now look what you left me for. I am getting a simple life with no one beside me in my 20 . You left me at 13. I thought i had dad but Dad too left me at 15 for his new wife. Well its been 5 years that i am alone so i am used to this lonely life . Dont worrie mom i am getting money from him so no worries. Ok?
Good mom."

Author's pov,

He mumbled himself & fell asleep without knowing & hugging his mothers picture in chest.

Next morning he opened his eyes looking into the clock.

"Oh no! I am late. " he stood up straight & headed towards bathroom. After a few moment he jumped out of bathroom & took his bag then his eyes landed on the picture laid on his bed. He took the picture & placed a kiss on the pic & said, " ok bye mom." he placed the picture on shelf & locked the door with a thud.

He managed to reach his College gate on time. He has more 10 minutes before his class stared. So he was heading towards his class.

Suddenly he saw something blurry. A boy passed by the corner of the building in front of him. He got vanished again behind the building.
He stoped in his place.

Hoseok's pov,

"Thats Him." "yes.. Thats him. The boy from yesterday. What's he doing here? Is he a student here?"
As i said this i ran towards his dirrection. My heart had a feeling that i need to find him.

I ran. But i couldnt see him there. He was vanished again. I looked for him where i could again. But i couldnt find him again.

Suddenly i looked into my watch & it was too late for the class. I ran towards my class. I was nervous.

Taecher noticed me right away as he knew me cause he met me before when i came to College the other day but not for class just to know everything around.

He called me in. "You are too late Mr. Jung Ho-Seok. Its not your class time. Where were you? " he said in a cold voice as i am already 25 minutes late 😩.
"Sir, i am sorry i was lost a bit! 😅" i said in an awkward way.

"Its your first day, but you have to be careful next time. Now you can sit." he said & pointed an empty sit for me at the back.

When i placed myself there i saw "Him" sitting beside me. His head was on table & i was facing his backside. I was totally shoked.

My heart feel like i wants to see him & talk to him. But mouth was shut. I wanted to talk but didnt want to wake him up.

Suddenly he turned his head facing me this time. I can see his face. His long eye lashes. His bright skin. His eyes are like a cat's. His face totally loooks like a cute cate in front of me. I wants to pat him.

I didnt notice when my hand moved on its own & i patted his head.

Then he slowly opened his eyes. & looked at me straight.


Yonngi looks like this here.

-------------------------------------Yonngi looks like this here

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Hoseok looks like this here.

Hoseok looks like this here

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Maybe you will like it.. want to write more of it.. My head is having a lot.. So i will update soon..
Take purple love 💜.

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