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I am so so so so sosooooooooo sorryyy my dear happy readers 🤧...
I was so caught up in my University problems.. This is really too much for me to change country and do all the work on my own.
Its really too much for me. I am all alone. 😢

But now i almost completed it.. Just a little work left... Please pray for me.. 🤞

And i will be updating one by one now..


Its been 1 month now.

Hoseok takes care of suga.

Irregular in College. College is not important when suga is not there.

Jimin is getting better day by day. Tasnim is currently staying with them in their house.

Jackson's words about her mom was a false news. He just wanted to use her saying that her mom is alive. But she isnt.
She is taking care of her would be husband Jimin.

Taehyung and Jungkook is doing good. Also Jin and Namjoon.

Jin is so worried about his little brother. He comes to hospital all the time. Spents time with Suga. Takes care of him.
Sees Hoseoks eyes red. Knows what happened. But he cant ask or console him. He is already so strong.

Days becomes week.. Week to month..
A whole year passes.

Its everyday routine for Namjoon to see Hoseok with a bear bottle now.

But whenever he is with Suga the look changes. He looks the way Suga knows him. Neat and happy Hobi.

He believes one day Suga will wake up and will ask to see him. And if he sees him in this look he currently is in, he will be sad. And Hobi cant make suga sad, right... So he keeps Himself the way he used to be.

...................... .......

Door opens again today. Hobi smilling at the door like he is back home to his love.

"Hey Suga. How you doing? Great, right!! I know that once you see me you feel great.
Look i bought some apple for you."

He keeps the apples on table and sits next to Suga.

Hobi Cares his cheek with a soft smile on face.

"You know whats tommorow?
Jungkook and Taehyung is getting married. Taehyung asked and jungkook agreed so they are getting married first.
Maybe Joon and Jin will marry after graduation too. I hope the best for them. Jimin and Tasnim is dating again. Enjoying their love again after the broken part. I am happy for them.
You too i know.

Ok ok.. I know you are not the type to admit it.. So you dont need to say."

Saying the last part Hoseok smiles a bit.

"Oh... I have something important to discuss. I mean to tell you."

"Ummm.. I told you already that my father knows about us somehow. So he stopped sending money. So i had to work and quite College. I need to take care of you. I know taehyung is taking care of the hospital bills. But i cant burden him forever right.
Dont worrie.
Dont be sad. I am ok. See... I am smiling 😊.

"As long as you are with me i am all okey Suga."


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