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Author's pov,

In a office room,

"Did you bring the file i told you to?" a handsome young guy in suit said to a person.

"Yes sir." other man said bowing.( I cant see his face cause his back is showing.)

"And how is he? Is he doing ok?" the boss asked.

"Y..yes.." the man said.

"Why did you shutter? " the boss asked kind of annoyingly.

"No..its nothing. " the guy said quit sacredly.

The boss left his chair & came closer to that man. & suddenly he grabed that mans neck.

"Take care of him. If anything happens to him you will be dead in a minute you dog. " the boss said with a pale face but Scary one.

"ye..yes sir. I.. I will." that man said.

Hoseok was waiting for suga. He saw suga was comming. Suddenly Jimin pop out of nowhere & huged Suga fast with no space.

Hoseok frowns his eyebrows for Jimins action.

"Hi." Hoseok said to suga with weird expression.

"Who is he?" Jimin asked Suga.

"He is the new classmate. I texted you. " suga said to Jimin.

"Oh..yes you said. The one who helped you when you triped. Yes i know.... Hi hosek. I am Jimin. Suga's bestest friend. " Jimin said all this in one go with a huge smile.

"Hi.. I am hoseok. Nice to meet you." Hoseok said with a smile.

"You are really a nice guy, you know." jimin said.

Hoseok just smile on his complement.

"Oh... I need to go. Bye Hoseok. Its so nice meeting you.. Bye." jimin said & left.

Suga didnt say anything & left with Jimin. That kind of hurt hoseok.

"He could have just say hi to me. He didnt say anything. & whats with that touchy touchy friendship? Are they kids?"
"But jimin looks like a good person tho." hoseok was thinking all this in his mind.

Then he saw jin was walking inside gate. But he seemes kind of pale today.

"Jin??" Hoseok called him more like a question.

Jin was in his world. Hoseok's word made him snap out of his world.
"Huh? Hi hoseok." Jin said.

"You seem pale. Anything happened? " Hoseok asked.

" Its nothing." jin said.

"It seems like something to me." hoseok said in disbelief.

"Ah..actually my room is a mess now. I just moved in so i need to arrange everything on my own." Jin said.

"Why dont you ask suga to help. He is you brother. " Hoseok assured him.

"I will. Thanks hoseok." Jin smiled a little bit.

But there was someone who was watching them from far. Kind of content about his decision.

"Hi Namjoon.. What are you doing here??? " jungkook said as he saw Namjoon was peeking behind tree.

"Nothing. " Namjoon said with a blank face.

"You dont look good. Are you okey? " jungkook asked worriedly.

"Yes i am. Lets go to class." Namjoon said.

Skipping class feels good. But when its near your exam time its not a cool idea. But who can make this boys understand?

"Hey suga... Do you like him? " Jimin asked suga looking at the sky.

"Why do you ask?" suga asked.

"He likes you." jimin stated.

Hearing this made suga's heart skip a bit. But he cant loose.

"Rubbish. " suga said changing his direction.

"You are shy." jimin said with a soft flirty smile.

"In your dream bitch." suga was annoyed.

"Ha ha ha ha... You really are." jimin laugh loudly.

"You know i am gonna tease him so bad. Just wait." Jimin said again with an evil look.

"Bullshit. Let me sleep you idiot." suga said & just closed his eyes as he was lying on the rooftop.

"Wait & see." jimin said & also drifted to sleep.


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Thanks guys...  Look forward for the story update...

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