part : 30

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"Suga wait." Hobi cries making his hands extend to stop someone.

"Don't go suga. I am here. Come here." he cries nonstop on the floor.

But no one comes. He looks at the blurry shadow thats getting vanished by time.


Before 2 hours,

Entering the hospital room hoseok sees so many nurses in the room along with doctor. They are surrounding Suga.

"Hoseok!!!! His heart beat increasing rapidly. He can wake up any moment. " Doctor says smiling.

The moment stops for hobi.
What?.. He is going to wake up?.. He is going to talk to me again?..

Hoseok runs to suga.

"We should leave you alone." all the nurses and doctor leaves the room. Doctor, last time taking a glence smiling, leaving the door close behind.

Hoseok sitting there waiting for suga to wake up and see him again, holding his hands tightly. Like its the last time he can hold them.

The eyes are teary while its opening. The first view is blury for him. He can see nothing because of the tear he is holding inside those deep black eyes which he just opened after a long time.

What is this place?


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Hi happy readers... I am kinda back again.. The life is the real devil.

I have seen a life what i never imagined that i will ever see.. Or someone can actually face this shit.
But luckily i am alive. I came here to make myself relieved.

Whoever enjoys my story thanks. And who dont, i am sorry for disappointing you.

My exams are coming. So i will try to publish slowly.


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