Gerard's First Impressions

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Just down the corridor, said redhead was lying awake in his bunk. He never slept well and usually sat up for hours sketching or reading before managing a few hours shut-eye.

Tonight however, he wasn't doing either of those things. He was lay on his bed thinking about the little punk who'd make quite an impact on him earlier in the evening.

He'd spent most of the previous day in the library. He often did, just to get away from the mundane drama of the prison. He would immerse himself in a book just to get away from the reality of his current situation - the fact that he had at least another eighteen months in this place. Once he had restored his thoughts and cleared his head a little, he would go back to play his role and head of his 'family' and deal with all the shit that came with it.

That's all it was really - playing. He'd somehow ended up as their leader, and as such had to act the part. Yes, he was naturally a bit of a badass with an attitude to suit, but he couldn't even remember now how he had come to take charge of this group of criminal misfits who seemed to hang on his every word and follow him everywhere he went. That's why he would spend time in the library - simply to escape. To feel like the real Gerard for a little while, not the notorious asshole that could somehow put the fear of God into people. He had no idea how he had managed it - fuck he was hardly rippled with muscles of iron or scars to prove his worth in this place. Yes he could throw a decent punch, but he mainly put his position on this ladder of hierarchy down to his attitude. Well that and the fact that he had a few more brain cells than most of the other guys in here, meaning he could certainly hold his own when it came to dealing with both the guards and other inmates in some of the situations he'd found himself in in the past.

Heading back into the courtyard, Ray came up to him excitedly to tell him about the new kid who'd been brought in that afternoon and had been placed in their wing of the prison. Gerard was honestly sick of this bullshit but played along sounding interested just to please the big dork telling him. He couldn't quite fathom how excitable Ray would become over any little thing in here, be it a change of fucking breakfast menu, to the arrival of new inmates. He was so animated with how he was currently telling Gerard about this new arrival, that the redhead couldn't help but pretend to be invested in the conversation as they walked around the perimeter of the jail fencing. He was only really half listening, adding an encouraging nod or 'yeah' when needed, and instead thinking about how he could get out of exercise later in the day. If there was one thing he would change about this fucking place, it would be the prison workout. Having to run around the sand track and jump through fucking tyres was Gerard's idea of hell. What was the fucking point of it really? He would happily take laundry duty over it - wash everyone's nasty fucking underwear rather than have to sprint around a track with guards barking orders at him like he was serving some kind of national military service. Fuck that!

"He looks kind of a challenge, Gerard" Ray pointed out, interrupting Gerard from his ideas of how to get out of it, even though he knew it was futile. Workout wasn't optional.

"Yeah? In what way?" Gerard replied with a little more interest.

"I don't know. He looks kind of nervous, but at the same time like he won't be messed around with" he carried on. "And ,I heard that Bert's taken a liking to him" he quickly added sensing Gerard's sudden intrigue.

Gerard bristled at that "Is that so?" he sneered with annoyance. "Well if he fits in with Bert's dumbasses, I can't see him being of any interest to us."

"Oh, I don't know, Gerard" Ray said, raising his eyebrows and grinning. "I think you might like him."


Gerard had spotted him immediately the next morning shuffling into the food hall; hair hanging over his eyes and head down. His eyes stayed firmly on the floor ensuring he made no eye contact with anyone. He tucked one side of his hair behind his ear allowing a glimpse of a tattoo snaking out from the neckline of his shirt, making Gerard's eyes widen with interest. He looked somewhat defeated already, but Gerard understood what Ray had meant about having an air of defiance about him too. He looked like he had a fiery side to him. He was intriguing already to Gerard and he couldn't seem to tear his gaze away from him. Seeing him sat down, half-heartedly eating his toast, Gerard had the chance to study him better. And he liked what he saw.

He was immediately attracted to this little guy. He was cute (adorable almost) but had a rough edge to him. He also knew what it was that Bert would like about him, and that made this a competition almost.

Leaving him be for the time being, Gerard decided he would approach him later in the day, but didn't see him around much after breakfast. Having almost forgotten about him, he spotted him again at dinner, shuffling to the same seat as earlier; eyes still down, jaw jutted out and nervously shoving the food around the plate. He hid behind a book and kept pushing his hair behind his ear - a nervous habit Gerard assumed. He observed him for a little longer before deciding on taking a closer look. Standing tall and strutting over to him, he decided on the friendly approach, asking what book he was reading. He liked the fact that he was reading. It meant he had some degree of intelligence about him, obviously depending on what the book was. Upon asking him, however, he was just offered a stern look and had the book thrust in his face. This irked Gerard a little, but also showed that this guy had a bit of character about him, and having the opposite effect that was probably intended. He clearly wanted Gerard to leave him be. Unlikely. Gerard was already fascinated by him. He smiled and looked at the book cover being pushed towards him. Catcher in the Rye. Interesting. Obviously, this guy was more than just a pretty face.

But it really was a pretty face, and that's what Gerard was thinking about at that very moment lying on his bed. A very pretty face indeed.

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