An Encounter with Bert

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Waking the next morning, Frank knew he couldn't just spend the day in his cell again. He had almost finished his book, so thought he might have a wander to the library. He presumed it would be quiet in there. Looking at the guys in here, they would probably be out in the courtyard pummelling each other or having dick-measuring contests. Idiots!

Having made it through the hell of the food hall again, he headed back to his cell to try to compose himself from the noise and intimidation of the canteen. He would need to psych himself up before making his trip to the library.

It was at the foot of the stairs leading to the cell corridor that he had his first encounter with the infamous Bert McCracken.

"Hey Doll?" he said grabbing Frank's arm to spin him around.

Frank gave him a death glare but held his tongue, wondering who the fuck this guy was and what he wanted.

"So, how's your first couple of days been?" he asked. "I thought I'd let you settle in before I introduced myself" he added.

Frank didn't like him. His hair was lank and greasy and his breath smelt vile. He had cold eyes and simply looked like he wanted nothing more than to cause trouble.

"Fine thanks" Frank replied through gritted teeth.

"I'm Bert and this is Billie and Mike" he nodded towards the other two who were looking him up and down smirking as they did.

"Okay" was all that Frank replied.

"Don't look so worried sweetheart. We're nice guys" Bert said very unconvincingly and laughing at Frank. "You need anything, you just come to find me sugar".

Frank realised that Bob had been right. Both Bert and Gerard had approached him and offered to 'help' him with anything he needed. He felt his anger bubble up inside him along with a healthy dose of fear too.

"Anything at all" Bert continued. "It gets cold in here sometimes, so if you ever need a little warming up, you just come find me and you can share my blanket" Bert smirked, licking his teeth across his yellow teeth as he did.

Frank's head spun. He just wanted to get as far away from this guy as possible. He was scared of him and he hated the fact that everything in here had him a nervous wreck. It was so alien to Frank, this feeling of fear. He was known to be fearless, wreckless and the one who made others nervous.

Pulling his arm away, which was still held in Bert's vice-like grip, he headed up the stairs as fast as his feet would take him, listening to Bert, Billie and Mike laugh as he did.

Heart pounding he lay on his bed and closed his eyes to this world he'd been thrust into. He allowed himself to pretend he was at home, sitting with a beer and aimlessly strumming his guitar. That was his happy place. A simple life. He scolded himself for ever wanting more, turning more and more to theft for a bit of materialistic shit that he didn't even care about. How could he be so stupid to end up in this shit hole?


Several hours later, Frank slowly made his way back out of his cell. Hood up and eyes down, he headed down the long corridor and back down the stairs where he'd had his encounter with Bert. He shuddered. He really didn't like the guy.

He found his way to the library and hid among the shelves of books. He didn't know what he was looking for and was disappointed with himself that he was basically hiding again.

Eventually, he started to look through some of the titles until he settled on one. He picked it up and made his way to a seat in the corner. He leafed through the pages and tried to concentrate, but found his mind whirring with the goings on of the day. He had a headache so took advantage of the quiet, hoping the peace would finally dull the pain.

He hadn't noticed a certain redhead behind the other shelving watching him intently; taking in every frown that formed on that cute face; studying the way his eyes darted from page to page, clearly not reading a single word; watching him nervously bite the skin around his thumbnail.

Gerard had definitely taken too much of an interest in this guy - which he was honestly annoyed at himself with. He usually just used guys for whatever was on offer, but he was a little too keen to find out about Frank personally. He had never really cared to get to know someone on too personal a level in here. Simply had no interest in anyone enough. He shook the thought from his head, instead convincing himself that it really was that he just wanted to suck this handsome motherfucker off, or vice versa. Or that he wanted to get one over on Bert, who he knew would soon be making himself known to him.

Either way, he found himself heading over to where Frank was, picking up some random book on the way, and sat himself down by Frank.

"Hey! You really are a bookworm aren't you?" he stated casually.

Frank breathed in sharply, instantly recognising the voice.

Gerard was desperate to hear his voice. He hadn't said a word yesterday, and judging by the way he simply looked at him now, he wasn't keen on talking today either. Still, Gerard loved a challenge.

"Are you deaf or something sweetheart?" he sneered, trying to sound intimidating.

"No. Not deaf. Just have better things to do than talk to you" Frank replied.

Oh, Gerard definitely liked Frank's voice. It was dripping in sarcasm, similar to his own, but was deep and rich. Gerard momentarily imagined him moaning and calling his name. Mmmmmm!

"Why don't you want to talk to me?" he pushed trying to sound friendlier.

"Just don't" Frank replied, looking back at his book.

His heart was racing and he hoped he wasn't blushing. God damn, he hated the way this guy made him feel - like a child almost. Bob was right, both Gerard and Bert were very intimidating but in very different ways.

"Fine" Gerard pouted. "Well I spend a lot of time in here too, so just thought it would be nice to get to know you a little."

Frank just looked away, leaving Gerard a little stunned. He wasn't often ignored and he didn't like it.

Frank was considering answering and striking up a conversation. After all, Gerard didn't seem too bad. Did he? Bob's words kept coming back to him though. He wouldn't be taken in by this guy knowing he had a hidden agenda. So with that, he put his face back to his book and carried on with his pretend reading.

Gerard simply shrugged and walked away, not realising that the minute his back was turned, Frank simply gawped after him.

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