Chapter One: Reunion

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Link only held me tight, closing his eyes as I did mine. We were only met with silence, safe for the running water of the Faron Spring. "It seems like the chatty boy I met long ago has changed," I grinned as I pulled away from the hug. He only lowered his head and rubbed the back of it with his hand. Rusl gave a smile after his shock settled down. "___, it's a pleasure to see you again. Come back with us to Ordon. I'm sure the other adults in the village would be happy to see you again." I nodded my head in delight, a wave of exhaustion hitting me. "That'd be fantastic. I've been on the move all day!" I remarked as both Link and I took our steed's reins in hand.

Rusl, Link, and I then walked out from the spring, making our way back to the village I called home. Arriving at Link's home soon enough after going through the thicket, Rusl left us to catch up, which I took graciously. However, Link spoke not a single word to me, which made me worried and concerned for my best friend. Therefore, I worked around this issue by asking a series of yes or no questions to check on him. Link was working within Ordon after all these years after I had left. Thankfully, he'd been doing well, helping out at the Ordon Ranch with Fado and befriending the lovely Ilia.

However, one question caused Link to freeze up in a way that I've never seen him do before. And yet, he never responded to said question. What finally broke us from our catch-up was the familiar voice of Fado (speak of the devil). "Hey! Link! You there?" The ranch-hand got up from the second-floor loft, hastily climbing up to the third-floor loft area to peer out the window. The rays of sunlight shown down onto Link, causing him to look as handsome as a character's personality out of a play back in Hyrule Castle Town. I stood up just the same, keeping my (e/c) gaze upon Link. Fado's voice then rang out once more. "Hey, you mind helpin' me herd the goats? They ain't listenin' to me lately!" With a nod, Link came down from the loft, Fado piping in afterward again. "Hey, where's Epona?" He questioned as Link opened the door to reveal him and I with wonder within Fado's eyes as he looked to me. I was unfortunately only able to give him a smile and a wave for now, however, before Link already walked off towards the Ordon Spring. Even if my horse, Telli, was there, Epona would be much better for Link since he knew her personality more than Telli's, although Link was the one to gift Telli to me when she was but a foal.

The walk to the Ordon Spring was as peaceful as it was before back then. When I was nine, I always deemed the woods to be quiet as can be, and that feeling wasn't any different now as a seventeen-year-old. Constantly, there was a multitude of different kinds of birds flying through the forest, singing tunes of wonder. Squirrels scuttled through the trees, gathering nuts and other foods to prepare for the cold winds to kick in finally. The trek, not only accompanied by birds, but by rabbits darting through the green grass. Slowly, the sound of flowing water filled my ears, and we had arrived at the Ordon Spring.

The strict Ilia was currently walked towards Epona, laying a hand against her muzzle. As Link and I approached, she turned to him and smiled, her green-eyed gaze brightening. "Oh, hi, Link. I washed Epona for you! She's a girl too, so you have to treat her nice like one! Oh, but listen, Link... Could you do something for me? Can you use that piece of grass to play that song for me? You know, the one that Epona likes?" Automatically, I raised my eyebrows in complete confusion at what Ilia meant. I knew that I was able to do that to call a falcon, but Link? Perhaps he had finally learned to do the same with horse-shoe grass. The male then walked over to a horse-shoe grass patch, picking up one of the plants. There was a small point for Link to blow through the brown weed, and when he blew said weed, it created a sweet sound that was very melodic for a weed.

The tune only caused Ilia and I to smile in delight, with Epona turning to Link and neighing happily. Bringing a hand to run along Epona's dusty, copper coat, Ilia closed her jade eyes. "It's such a nice melody... Epona looks happy." Ilia then looked towards Link and opened her bright-eyed orbs. "Well, she's all prettied up now, so I suppose you can ride her back. But don't make her do too much, okay?" The girl then glanced over to me, "And you need to introduce me to your friend here." I gave a friendly wave towards Ilia, "There's no need to, I'm ___." I hummed, thanking the Goddess that at least someone other than Rusl and Link wanted to say hello. She nodded her head, glancing over towards Link. "You better treat her well, Link. I don't want to have to get onto you for ___ and Epona." Ilia threatened half-heartedly, putting her hands on her hips. Link rubbed the back of his neck and caused me to chuckle. "It's okay, Ilia. I can take care of myself." With that, she nodded her head and sighed, a worried look on her face still. "Alright, but still be careful." I nodded my head as well, "Of course."

Link hopped up onto Epona, me at his side. I began to walk off on my own, but the absence of Epona's clobbering caused me to turn around. The sight I saw was Link offering a strong, kind hand towards me. I couldn't help but smile, walking back to him and taking his offer, climbing up onto the reliable steed. With that, Link and I rode off towards Ordon Ranch, but not before seeing some more familiar faces.

First off, Sera, the shopkeeper, and her family stopped us. "Ah, if it isn't young Link and ___! It's been so long. Look how gorgeous you look..." She complimented with a small grin on her face. "Thank you, Miss... I appreciate the compliment." With that, she turned to include Link in the conversation now. "Are you going to close down the ranch for today?" Link nodded just as I did, then tilting my head to rest it upon Link's back gently as Sera continued. "I just closed up the shop myself. I'm sure you know all about the mischievous monkeys that've been coming into the village lately... Those things worry me a bit. I'd better lock up tight here..." Sera wondered aloud while she proceeded. "I couldn't stand to have any more goods stolen... Can't trust that good-for-nothing husband to do anything right..." She susurrated towards us as her daughter, Beth, raised her voice. "C'mon, Dad! You can't catch a silly little monkey?" Hanch just dropped his gaze to the ground in defeat as he responded to his little girl. "Uhh... Well... No. No, I can't," in a dead tone. Sera let out a small sigh, looking back to Link and me, who was silent the entire time. "Oh... Listen to us babble on. I didn't mean to keep you. Alright, off to work with you two." She urged with a wave of her hand. I smiled and nodded my head towards the small family while Link and I continued off on Epona's back.

However, our travels very soon ended at another pit stop as Rusl halted us. "Ah, great timing, Link, ___! There was something I had forgotten to tell you." There was a smile that made its way onto the three's face, them being Rusl, Uli, and sweet Colin. I always remembered having to babysit Colin eight years ago. Link was being trained by Rusl and Uli was always helping Sera at the shop and Beth. Suddenly, Rusl's voice broke me from my thoughts, and I looked back towards him with a smile. "My son Colin is making a fishing rod so the three of you can play together. He should finish it today, so you come get it at the house tomorrow." I nodded my head at the offer, my smile then becoming a big grin. "Of course, we will, sir. It'll be nice to remember the good ol' times back then with him." I nodded towards the little blonde-haired boy, to which he looked up at me with a shy smile from the lack of recognition. I understood this though, as he was one-year-old at the time. "Good, just come on by tomorrow," Rusl spoke once more before going back to his evening sword training.

Soon, Link and I had finally arrived at the Ordon Ranch, passing up Mayor Bo on the way. Leading Epona up the slope into the large pen, I hopped off and headed up next to Fado, who spoke to Link. "Sorry to get you over here in such a hurry, Link! These guys have been awful skittish lately. They won't listen to a word I say. Sorry to ask, bud, but how's about you an' Epona herd 'em into the barn real quick while I catch up with ___? We ain't got much time, so you think you can do it for me?" He inquired as Link simply nodded his head of dirty blonde hair. The reply caused Fado to give a smile and nodded back to Link. "Much obliged there, bud! Okay, then, go on an' herd all these little scamps into the barn for me!" Fado hummed, then turning to face me as Link began to corral the goats into the said wooden barn.

"So, ___, where've ya been?" Was the first question thrown my way from Fado. Graciously thinking of an answer, I smiled. "Well, my time from Ordon allowed me to pick up many things along my journey. The roads were dangerous with monsters dotting every corner my family and I went through. We were actually on our way to Castle Town of Hyrule to live a life of wonder. Originally, we were gonna go to Kakariko, however." I caught him up with a few motions of my newfound spear abilities. "Now, I happen to be quite handy with a spear, no need to brag," I giggled, raising my head triumphantly. Glancing towards Link's work, I had noticed that he had about seven out of the ten goats within the barn. Fado ended up taking the notice as well, but he kept asking multiple questions such as, "How's your old man? What're your siblings up to? How is Castle Town?" All were answered quickly though, the answers being: "He's doing quite well! He's got a brand new potion shop going on after Ma passed away, doing it in her memory. My brother is actually training to become a royal guard while my little sister is helping out Pa. Castle Town is a gorgeous place, despite it being pretty crowded, unfortunately. However, the place is constantly bustling with people!"

Now, Link had returned to us on Epona, and I glanced up towards him, as did Fado. "Link, Epona... Much obliged to both of y'all! I can cover everythin' tomorrow without havin' to trouble you, so just sit back an' relax, bud." He reassured, then pausing for a second before continuing as I climbed atop Epona again, settling my hands atop Link's shoulders. "Oh... but, uh, how 'bout today? Wanna practice with the fences?" Link nodded his head as he gave a small smile, and I did as well. I was quite glad that Link had finally managed to teach Epona how to hop fences... She was struggling when she was first domesticated! It was almost funny in an adorable way. "Just wait a spell, bud." Fado mentioned, heading to the barn to grab a couple of supplies, "I'll get them fences set up."

Unfortunately, it took an hour or two for him to do that, the hour of a sunset arriving. "Hoo, sorry that took so long! Okay, then! Y'all ride all you want! Y'all get tired of ridin', just jump the gate an' head back into the village, okay, bud?" With a small yawn, I nodded my head, Link noticing it and going for the gate. The jump hit with absolute vigor, causing me to jump and wake myself up with a jolt of surprise. "Oh, sweet Goddess!" I yelped, then laughing afterward as I lowered my head. "Epona, you're quite the hopper!" I complimented as I ran my hand along her coat gently.

Soon, we thankfully arrived back at Link's home, and I hopped down from Epona's back and saddle. Since Telli had, unfortunately, been left, I took her bags and saddle from her to set it down. "I'm sorry, girl. I got distracted..." I muttered as I lidded my eyes, rubbing her muzzle gently. She let out a whinny, closing her deep black eyes. "I know. I'm sorry." I hummed, taking an apple from her spare bag and fed it to her. She took it gently, munching until she was complete. With that, she let out a small neigh. This caused me to giggle, which Link found just as humorous since I could've sworn I heard him laugh as well. However, just as I climbed the ladder, I could barely remember myself laying down on a makeshift spot and falling asleep.

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