Chapter Fourteen: High-Priority Passenger

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As the cool blues of the night transitioned into the warm reds and earthy tones of the day, the stone-paved grounds were all we saw in the morning, apart from the periodic wooden accents and bright blue sky. Castle Town was always the bustling community I had known, but we were in no mood for shopping. In fact, we were off to find my father's home. Sure, it was cluttered around the other residential zones within the town, but its layout and outside features were something I could always recognize, of course. In order to get around town easily, Ma and Pa always made absolutely sure that we knew what the outside of the house looked like, to-a-T, especially my brother. Link quietly followed behind me, his hand in my own, so he wouldn't get lost within the hustle and bustle of the town, almost as if he were a lost puppy heeding the call of its owner or mothering dog. It was almost humorous, though I obviously held myself back from chortling lightly.

It was abnormal to be leading him through the stony streets, previous to the dirty and dusty roads of Ordon or the green and grassy plains of Hyrule, though I welcomed the foreign feeling with open arms. The fresh draft of baked bread and newly picked fruits filled our noses as we roved through the market, though they were most grateful for the water supply rejuvenation that we had done back in Zora's Domain. A few market-goers waved hello and uttered verbally towards me, as they were suitable friends. However, instead of stopping to chat, I raised my free hand and greeted them in return before heading off and resuming our small mission. Soon enough, however, we reached the home I knew for many years after the unfortunate departure of Ordon.

It was an appealing little area, an unbending, wooden archway leading to the door. A lone (and slowly wilting) red rose stood in a clay vase outside the door. The exterior was all stone brick, a small slot for windows on each side, but what made me smile at the sight of it was a flowery wreath upon the door. It was a conglomeration of diverse flora outside of town, but it mostly consisted of Mother's favorites: white tulips. Other than that type of flower, it had roses and pansies. It was a sweet little thing and held quite a pleasing memory, as I reminisced when Ma and I went out to snatch up the flowers to create the decor because of my yonderly attitude.

Suddenly, the sensation of something being placed upon my shoulder broke me from my thoughts, causing me to divert and look behind me. As I did so, the person that filled my watch was Link, a concerned look on his face. His brows crinkled in perplexity, his gaze was full of worry for my standing while narrowed. I had barely even noticed, but a small tear had dripped down from my left eye. Bringing my palm up to wipe it with my partially gloved hand, I exhaled in a minuscule chuckle. "I'm sorry, I didn't even notice..." I hummed, skimming my hand against my pant leg to transfer the salted water elsewhere. As I let out a sigh, Link was the one to step up and open the door as he took his hand from my shoulder and set it against the knob, turning it loose.

Walking into the home, my nostrils were immediately greeted with the clear scent of lilac flavorings and a repast of... nothing? I suddenly felt like a child again, coming into my home after playtime with the local kids. If anything, I almost expected to see my mother and smell the scent of tulips, but that idea was too far gone now... It was a nice memory while it had lasted, and my favorite thing about it was that it was always there after going out with two of my friends.

"___?" I quickly turned my head to meet Link's bright blue eyes, my optics wide and brain puzzled. However, I dropped my head soon after with an expulsion of air. "Sorry, just... reminiscing..." The male only simpered and nodded his head at me before turning around and inspecting the home around us. Meanwhile, I took my walkabout to find my father. Seeing as whence we last saw him he was sick, he was most likely here at home. Although, I couldn't hear anything... Walking further along, I opened the door to where his room was and then looked up to where he would be.

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