Chapter Two: Problem Solved

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The morning soon came without a hitch, thankfully, for me. That was something which I wholeheartedly appreciated, as traveling all the way to Ordon was always quite tiring. The calm of the morning, however, was soon disturbed by the giggling of small children. This time, I couldn't recognize these voices, but my hunch had told me these were the now older children I knew and loved. Then, right after I let out a sigh, a young boy's voice yelped out into the early morning air. "Hey, wake up, Link! It's morning already!" He called out in an almost frustrated tone. It was quite adorable, and it caused me to laugh. However, this ended up waking Link up, and I immediately felt terrible, despite my giggling. "I'm sorry, Link. I didn't mean to wake you." With a shake of his head, he brushed it off with a smile.

After getting prepared today, running my hands through my (h/c)-colored hair, and padding my clothing down, I let out a small sigh. Link and I decided to go without food today since we knew that the children would be impatient little ones. Opening the door and climbing down the ladder, I was delighted to see an older Beth again, Talo, and a short boy who seemed to be about three-years-old.

The young Talo grinned as Link walked up to him, turning towards him. "Oh, Link! Didja hear? They're selling a slingshot at the store right now! A slingshot!" The excited boy cheered, performing a fist pump. The three-year-old then piped in, surprising me with how fluent his vocabulary was. He seemed like a smart little cookie! "I wonder how powerful it is... I... I need... I must try it..." He whispered, narrowing his eyes. Then, Beth piped in immediately afterward, "Talo, if you and Malo want it so badly, just buy it at my parents' shop!" She scolded as the voice of reason here. "Do you see any Rupees in my hand? I can't afford that thing! C'mon, Beth, can't you just loan it to us for a while?" Talo whined, trying to use his best puppy-dog eyes on Beth, but his attempt was futile, evident by her putting her hands on her hips. "You know I'd get in trouble for that! If you two want it, save up your allowances or something." Malo, the three-year-old, pouted, mumbling once again. "But... our allowances are terrible... Aww, I wish I was born into a family with a slingshot instead of one with a water wheel..."

I just sighed, glancing over to Link with a hum. Walking up to him, I leaned in close and whispered something within his ear. "Keep them occupied. I'll go get the slingshot for them," I giggled as I made my way to the village. For some odd reason, Link's house was always a bit away from everyone else. The morning sky suited Ordon well with its well-rounded and kind individuals. A type of people I missed in Hyrule Castle Town... When I walked into the shop, the sparkle in my (e/c) eyes fell at the sight of Sera's long face. I frowned from her look of sadness and called out to her. "Um, Mrs. Sera, what's wrong?" She only sighed, showing her distressed state further. The shopkeeper held her head on the counter, gently shaking a half-empty bottle of milk. "Oh my... It's young ___... Welcome, m'dear. You... You didn't happen to see my little cat out there, did you?" She inquired, her voice sorrowfully quiet, but I regretfully shook my head. "He ate the fish we were going to have for supper last night, and I gave him a good scolding... but then he went out and hasn't returned..." Sera continued, "I'm so fraught with worry for him... I'm exhausted myself..." She sighed once again, but I only gave her a reassuring smile. "I'm terribly sorry..." Sera muttered, "...But my mind is so filled with thoughts of my little cat that I simply can't deal with customers right now..." She closed her eyes, burying her head into her forearm. "If I had known this was going to happen, I would have let my little kitty eat fish to his heart's content..."

"Please, don't worry. I'll bring your cat back to you." I hummed as I darted out of the shop with a newfound determination. Luckily, I was able to relate to Sera deeply. Back when my family and I first moved to Castle Town, I came across an adorable black and gray puppy with gorgeous brown eyes. I ended up taking the stray home, despite my Pa's wishes, and took care of the little dog up until it ended up running away, much like Sera's kitty. However, I never found him, unfortunately, to my dismay. Therefore, I wasn't going to allow another pet to become lost on my watch. I could only really hope if Link was willing to keep the children at bay for an extensive amount of time.

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