Chapter Seventeen: Run Around

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Ahh, the revelation processed in my heart with resounding success. Who would've thought that I could think such things now? However, for the duration of this adventure, I knew that I had to keep my feelings shoved aside. Besides, I didn't wanna cause any distraction for Link and myself. We couldn't just drop Midna's request either, but something did have to be done, that I knew.

Using the newfound crystal from Zant, we went ahead and warped ourselves back to the entrance of Castle Town, figuring that we could start there. It was too bad that Midna didn't have many details on the Mirror of Twilight's current whereabouts, but seeing as she didn't look like she was from here, I guess that was normal. As soon as the light of the overworld came to my vision, I cued Midna to get us both out of our twilit state. With a snap of her fingers, my height rose, and soon enough, Link and I were back to our usual selves. My partner ended up taking the lead, allowing my thoughts to sit on the back burner, which I was thankful for. I twiddled my thumbs while glancing down, eyes downcast while biting my lip in thought. However, my mind was suddenly interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Heeeeeey!" It was the mailman! "Mr. Link! Ms. ___! Waaaaaait!" My gaze shot up from the sound, and a small smile graced my lips. It was good to see a familiar face while not in wolf form, and I felt as if Link agreed with me. "Greetings, Mr. Link, Ms. ___! I have come to deliver a letter. It is a letter from Telma." He went ahead and raised his arm to dig into his letter pack before handing the both of us our own special page. As we took it, the mailman saluted and put his arm back down. "Well, my business is concluded! Onward to mail~!" He yelled out as he began the rest of his route with a certain pep in his running steps. "Enjoy it!" I hummed, returning a wave his way before looking down and opening up the letter, curiosity encompassing my head.

 "Enjoy it!" I hummed, returning a wave his way before looking down and opening up the letter, curiosity encompassing my head

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"___, there are some

folks I want you to meet, so come

to my bar right away. These guys

will be powerful allies for you.

You heard me! Come by! I'll be

waiting at my Castle Town bar.


So... Telma wanted to see us? Well, it looks like we were headed in the right direction already! The corners of my lips curled upwards into a smile while I raised my head and closed the letter up. "Looks like Telma wants to see us, but you should probably see your trainer again." Link turned his head to peer over at me, nodding his head at my words. I bent down and opened my satchel to set the letter inside before straightening right back up to begin walking off, backward. "Good luck with your run-around!" I waved off to Link with a large grin before switching my orientation and jogging off until I reached the gate.

However, as I trekked through the stone floors and bustling streets of Castle Town, one thing lingered on my mind: Who in the name of Hylia was Link training with? I mean... If mine was my mother, then there had to be some sort of similarity, right? If our fates were intertwined... I laid my palm against that familiar iron handle, opened the door, and meandered inside the bar. "Then it has to be... someone from our past, but I don't think I've ever seen Link's parents. At least, I don't remember them much..."

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