Chapter Nine: Reconcilement

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I was expecting the insect hunt to be the same as the one in Faron Woods, but oh boy, was I wrong. Our first stop was the building nearby (which I assumed to be a school, based on the large bell atop it). A tree was right next to it, but I knew it was long dead from this rocky area. "Hey, you can climb up there!" Midna pointed out with a slight tone of, "hey idiot," sprinkled in there. I looked over and nodded at Link, and the imp got off my back and helped both of us up. When we arrived up on the top, I dug through and broke the terrain right below me to allow us access into the schoolhouse.

Link followed along after me, hitting the ground with a small thud as I raised my head and looked around. That's when I allowed my senses to focus in, and I saw the children! They were all huddled up around a man, Talo hugging him tightly while shuddering in fear. There was also another teenage girl, one I couldn't recognize, but I knew only one person wasn't present: Ilia. She wasn't here in Kakariko Village! What were we going to tell Mayor Bo? I knew we were gonna have to tell him something, but what?

"Cripes! I don't see those black brutes anywhere..." Another man spoke, causing me to look over to where he was. I thought he was referring to the shadow beasts since he was looking out the window. I wanted to tell him that they were gone, but that wasn't possible on the twilight and as a beast. "They've gotta be hidin' somewhere waitin' for their helpless little prey to come out! Then they'll feast!" The man scowled as the other male tried to comfort the terrified Talo. He peered down at him with a comforting gaze, his eyes narrowing and brows furrowing. "We are safe as long as we are here, child. Be at ease," He coaxed as he laid a hand of comfort on his head. Peering over to the second, the other man raised his metallic faceguard. "Oh yeah?" He motioned, "I wonder if the monsters out there agree with you..." The man sighed, looking out the window again. "They sure didn't seem impressed by my bombs! How long do you think we can hold this sanctuary against beasts that strong, huh?" From those words, Talo moved that much closer to the other. "Once they attack, it's over!" Talo yelped, burying his head. Colin looked over to the bomb guy with a nervous glare as he retold his (what I assumed to be earlier's) experiences. "Remember the lady from the general store? Just one of those things attacked her, and a whole gang from town went to save her!" Malo then looked over himself as the other continued. "And what happened? She was already gone, and there were two monsters waitin'!" Beth and Talo began to shudder in fear, lips quivering from Beth as she lowered her head. "...You connectin' the dots?" The male asked, "That means that if we get attacked by them, we'll be..."

"BARNES!" I flinched from the other's booming voice, and Barnes did just the same as Beth burst into tears. It was heartbreaking to see the children so terrified in the twilight, especially after seeing them smile just a few days ago back in Ordon. But it just goes to show how suddenly things could change in just a few seconds. Barnes had put his facemask back over him, slinking down to the ground and crawling over on his hands and knees. "Look, Renado... All I mean to say is that it's risky here, too! Ain't you got some place we can hide? Renado took a moment to respond, looking up at Barnes from the ground. "There is... a cellar." The bomb man let out a sound of surprise, scuttling closer quickly. "Whaat? You've got a cellar?! Where's the entrance, man?" Barnes inquired, teeth chattering, causing Renado to speak again. "The entrance to the cellar," He began, "Is designed to open where all of the candles have been lit..." Immediately, Barnes grabbed a torch, set the end ablaze, and put it where a pot of iron stood with other sticks inside.

"...I... would not do that," The unfamiliar teenage girl warned, "When Father instructed me to secure the cellar, I saw insects like the beasts outside..." She said, making a scuttling motion with her hands. That made Barnes stop very hastily, and he dropped the stick onto the ground. Meanwhile, I looked back towards Renado and found Colin next to Beth, raising his hand to try and comfort her through her tears. "Don't cry, Beth!" He began as Beth slapped his hand away and turned. "It'll be OK! Link and ___ are coming to save us all! ...I can feel it!" My eyes could only widen from the mention of our names, and my ears and head drooped as I began to whimper. Colin's nod, however, made me wag my tail gently. It was hard, being right there in front of them... but I knew they couldn't see us. With Link and I working quickly, Colin's dream would become reality. Seeing their disheartened faces before going right back to saddened smiles with the help of Colin's comfort, made me believe that he was the perfect fit for a big brother to his future sibling. Perhaps even a hero! To be named a title was meaningless without purpose, but Colin was able to make that purpose. With Link and I working quickly, his dream would become reality.

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