4| lost wallet

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Lije:"bro for real?"*complaining*
Ethan:"no keys, no food"*says simply*
Lije:"ok fine"*annoyed*
Ethan:"you're gonna give me the keys?"
Lije:"no. I'm going"*standing up*

Y/n's p.o.v:
When I was in my flight, I met a cute little girl named Juliet• she was like 3 y/o•that was sitting besides me, I played with her, laughed together, & kinda talked. • Her mom didn't bothered me playing with her daughter• The plane landed & I gave her a cute pair of bows that I had in my bag.
The bows:

Said goodbye to her & I left to grab my luggage

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Said goodbye to her & I left to grab my luggage. I  texted Yureli and we chatted for a bit, while I was looking for a taxi, found one, he drived me to a hotel that was nearby & pretty cheap, rented a room that had a beautifull sight. Around 9:00 a.m. I had unpacked almost everything & I got hungry *again* so I got outside the hotel and waited for another taxi to pass by. It took some time but anyways. I told the taxi driver to go to a fast food place. He drived me to a McDonald's, paid him and entered. It was pretty busy so I just waited in the line.

Lije's p.o.v:
I got my keys, got on my car and drove to the Mc'Donald's that's nearby the house. When I got there there was no parking lot and there was a taxi in front of me, there was no other solution but to wait. The taxi drove off and a few minutes later there was a free parking lot so I parked there. I locked the car and got inside.

Y/n p.o.v:
I was waiting and while I was doing that, I heard that the door opened really hard, a guy slammed the door in the wall, that same guy standed beside me. I didn't really care but I got kinda nervous. The waiting line advanced and little by little the Mc'Donald's got less busy, but people still walked in. The guy that was beside me was 1 person ahead of me, he took so long to order and so did the person in front of me. They both payed and left. When I was ordering I saw a wallet next to me in the floor. I asked everyone around me if the wallet was theirs and everyone said no. Then I realized that the wallet could be from that guy that waited next to me. I turned around and saw him at the door, so I started to yell at him
Y/n:"hey! Excuse me! Hello?"
He didn't listen or he was just to busy with all the food that he had & suddenly a random person came up to me while the other guy left.
X:"where you calling me young lady?"
Y/n:"sorry that I confused you sir"
X:"no problem"*leaving*
Y/n:"thank you anyways!"*smiling*

Lije's p.o.v:
I ordered a bunch of food 'cause I was hungry and I'm sure that Ethan as well. The lady started to pack the food and I took out my wallet to pay, she gave me 1 bag and I handed her the money. When she gave me the last bag, I tried to put my wallet back in my pocket and just leaved. When I was about to open the door, the food started to kinda  fall so I tried to fix it. When I finished securing the food, I heard that a lady started to yell. I didn't bother looking and asking her who was she looking for so I could help her but, I was still kinda busy with the food and then I saw that someone was getting close to where I heard the yelling and I  believe that she was reffering to him so I just left.

Y/n's p.o.v:
Since he left I decided to just order a burger, some fries, a coke, paid and ate there, while I was thinking about how to give that guy his wallet back. I finished eating and got outside with the wallet in my pocket and just waited for a taxi to pass by. I waited like 5 minutes & a taxi passed, I made him the stop, hopped in and got to my hotel. I entered my room and left the wallet in the nightstand that I had next to my bed, I sit down in a chair that was there, watched some YouTube videos and social media, got bored •like always• and decided to FaceTime  Yureli.
Y/n:"What are you up to?
23 minutes later:
Y/n:"something happened"
Yureli:"really? Tell me then" *curious*
Y/n:"well, today I went to a Mc'Donald's nearby and I was waiting for my turn till a guy stands beside me"
Y/n:"He ordered before me, got his food and left, it was my turn and while I was ordering I saw a wallet next to me in the floor so I picked it up, and I believe that the wallet is from that guy"
Yureli:"have you looked inside the wallet?"
Yureli:"so how do you know it's his?"
Y/n:" 'cause I asked everyone that was around me and they said no"
Yureli:"are you gonna give it back?"
Yureli:"Do you know his name or adress"
Yureli:"So how are you suppose to give it back if you haven't looked inside and don't know his name?"
Y/n:"well.......... I don't know"
Yureli:"I suggest that you should look inside"
Y/n:"I'm not going to do that"
Yureli:"well then good luck finding him"
Y/n:"you know what...... I'm going to look inside"*kinda mad*
Yureli:"go ahead*

I throwed my phone at my bed, stand up and got the wallet in the nightstand, opened it and got my phone.

Y/n:"here it is"*showing the wallet*
Yureli:"look for something!"
Y/n:"hold your horses young lady"*funny voice*
Yureli:"ok, ok but just look for something"*giggles*
Y/n:"... There's just money, it doesn't have nothing else.........*looking for something else*"wait"
Yureli:"Say something!"
Y/n:"There's a drivers license"
Yureli:"and? Does it have his information?"
Y/n:"his name is Elijah Peter Best. He lives in ******** aaaand,  I have no clue where that  is"
Yureli:"that's why google maps exists to help people like you, and taxi drivers who know all Massachusetts"*says simply*
Y/n:"your right. I'm going tomorrow"
Yureli:"Ok"*shrugs shoulders*
Yureli:".... Can I see how he looks like?"
Y/n:"ummm yeah"*shows her*
Yureli:"He' s cute"
Y/n:"your wierd"
Yureli:"What? I'm just telling the truth"
Y/n:"yeah sure"
10 minutes later:

Lije's p.o.v:

I'm gonna make some changes in the way I write 'cause I think that I don't explain myself that well in the dialogues / text •it's gonna be around chapter 7 :)•
See ya

1166 words

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