8 | spamming

56 1 0

I parked in the parking lot, turned off the car, & got in the house. Opened the door, threw my car keys on the living room table, sat down on the couch & turned on the tv.

Y/n's p.o.v:
When I heard that Elijah turned on his car, I was going up to my hotel room, got there and looked out the window to see if Elijah was still there, but apparently he was already gone. Elijah is a really kind guy, his brother doesn't seem the same, but who cares. I threw myself on the bed & stayed there for a few minutes, until I remembered yureli, & I decided to call her.

"Siri, FaceTime Yureli" I said.

"Facetiming Yureli" Siri replied.

*ring, ring* •face timing Yureli

"Hello?" Yureli said.

"Hiii!!" I screamed.

"Owww, that hurt my freaking ears" She said complaining.

"sorry, Ms. delicate" I said annoyed.

"Uyyyy perdón, doña enojona" Yureli said in a funny voice.

"Kshfjdj" I laughed at her stupid voice.

"What do you want?!?" She asked me.

"Is it not obvious? I'm back at the hotel" I replied simply.

"So that means, that you already met the wallet guy?!?" She asked excited.

"His name is Elijah, and I did. He's a really nice, kind, funny & awkward guy" I replied looking at the window.

"Is he really?" She asked.

"Yep, he is" I said.

"Well, tell me every single detail about what happened" Yureli said interested.

"I dressed, got out, waited for a taxi, got there, knocked the door....."

I finished telling her everything & she said "Impressive, do you like him?" Yureli asked me.

"What the fuck Yureli, I just met him a few hours ago" I replied pretty shocked.

"Nothing is impossible my friend" she said simply.

I tried to calm down & said "I'll clear up some stuff, I don't like Elijah right now, & I don't think I will anytime soon, we're maybe gonna become friends, but nothing else then that"

"Geez, I was only playing" Yureli said surprised.

"..... Jijijii" I awkwardly laughed embarrassed.

"... Anyways, Elijah is coming tomorrow, & my room is a mess" I said sitting up and looking around the bedroom.

"You should get movin' " she said.

"Right, wanna watch me clean up?" I asked her.

"Nah ah, call me when your done" Yureli said looking at me.

"Jfjshjdhs, ok see you later" I say leaving my phone in the nightstand.

"Byeeeee" she said & then hung up.

Gotta clean up I guess, I don't know where to start.....

1 hour & 26 minutes later:

Man, I never thought it would take that long, at least the room is more organized. •I didn't really clean, 'cause I'm gonna move out maybe in 1-2 weeks, I didn't have that much stuff. Hopefully before that time I have rented a house or a apartment..•

Lije's p.o.v:
Tv got boring, so I went upstairs in my room, laid down in my bed & thought about what to record.

*10 minutes later*

...Got an idea!


I get close to the mic and said "Obviously it's not real, don't think it's real, don't actually go smash bottles over your heads kids, because over here in skootch industries, we're professionals" the last words i said getting of camera.

"Th..." I said talking back to the camera but suddenly, my phone got spammed by notifications & I got interrupted.
It was, it was Y/n?...

Y/n's p.o.v:
Like 30 minutes have passed & I checked out Instagram, one of Elijah's recent post appeared, & I wanted to bother him by liking almost every single thing he has posted. I literally just spammed him, now lets wait..

Lije's p.o.v:
"Should I dm her or get revenge & spam her to? Hmm... I know, I'm going to dm her and when she least thinks about it, I'll spam her too" I said.


Y/n l/n_:

L:Why did you spam me?

Y/n's p.o.v:
"Uuuuu" I said picking up my phone.
"Elijah dmed me" I said opening the Instagram app.

L:Why did you spam me?
Y:Idk, just felt like it.

"...... answer already!" I said screaming at my phone.

Elijah's p.o.v:
"Anyway, today we are playing heists which is basically is a heist simulator. You have your own base & you go around town robbing things & other players, you can actually rob other players bases" I said talking to the camera.

I was talking to the camera but, saw that I got a notification from Instagram, I guess it is y/n. I secretly lowered my gaze still talking to the camera, to see who it was, but I couldn't, so I kept doing my thing.

"& without further ado, let's get into it..."

Y/n's p.o.v:
"Why is he not answering?!?!?" I complained.

*44 minutes later*

Elijah didn't answer so took a quick bath & turned on the tv.

Elijah's p.o.v:
"Anyway thank you so much for watching, hope you enjoyed as much as I did playing, if you guys want to see more of this game on the channel, I'm naked. Ok very nice. If you want to see more of this game on the channel let me know down in the comment section.." I talked to the camera and finished my outro.

Now, I can finally see who dmed me.

I opened Instagram, checked the notification & said "Huh, it was Y/n again, I guess I was right" I said smiling at my phone screen.

Y/n l/n_

L:why did you spam me?
Y:idk, just felt like it.
L:if you say so

Y/n's p.o.v:
"Why is the tv always fu.." I said as I got a notification/dm.

"After more then 40 minutes he finally answers" I said opening the Instagram app to answer.

"I don't know what to respond" I said thinking on what to reply.

*time skip to 11:53 p. m.*

The rest of the day was me doing nothing, I couldn't go far away from the hotel 'cause I would totally get lost, so I just stayed around the hotel, watched the beautiful view, ate & organized the room a little bit more, had dinner, sended a message to Yureli, chatted with her for  time, watched a bit of st (stranger things). At 11:53 I went to sleep...

Well, that's it. I think that the tittle doesn't go with what I wrote, but 😶
•srry again if there's any misspelling•


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