20| the house

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Still y/n's pov:

We finally landed, we were now in California!! Crazy isn't it? Anyways, after we landed and got out the airport, there was these guys apparently waiting for us.

"Sup dude" Ethan shakes hands with one of them. I was really confused.

"He's one of the many YouTubers that are staying with us." Elijah whispered to me.

"Oh, that's why." I replied and he smiled at me. "Bring your things so I can load them."

He helped me add my things, we then entered the car and got our way to the house. Elijah and I were all the way in the back, and Ethan was in front of me.

"Are the girls YouTubers too?" I asked Elijah.

"Eh, no. I believe the boy's girlfriends there."He replied and gave a little laugh.

"Are there any content create girls?"

"I think there's only one, Cayla." Elijah replied looking out the window. "Why the question?"He looked at me.

"I watch YouTube, a lot..." I answered and he giggled. "I want to know 'cause maybe I'll recognize someone."

"Hmm, they're small YouTubers with who we're staying, probably won't recognize them"

"What makes you so sure I won't" I slightly smirked

We made eye contact, and he got closer and closer to me, making me nervous. We were inches apart.

"I bet it." He said and backed away from my face.

I started to blush, I felt my cheeks quite red and hot. Elijah turned around to see me, that made me feel more embarrassed. I put my hands on my face, and he chuckled.

We made our way to the house almost in complete silence, because I was too shy to ask or respond anything. I enter and got very surprised. It was beautiful, legit everything was ver nice. They were to many people making noise, unpacking, recording.

Elijah came behind me and touched my shoulder "it's nice, isn't it?"

"yeah," I answered.

"come, here's the room we're staying in." He said, grabbed my wrist and leaded me to the room.

I saw a big room, three beds, a giant window and a beautiful view.

"This is it." Elijah said.

"the view..." I replied.

"guys, can you come over and help!" We heard Ethan yell and Elijah let go from my wrist.

"Shit!" I said and we sprinted to Ethan.

First couple of minutes, everyone was recording a 'house tour', they entered every. Single. Room.

"Hey, sorry for interrupting. Can you not record her? You know, personal things." Elijah said to one of the guys.

"Oh, sorry..?"

"Y/n." I answered.

"Great, Really sorry Y/n and welcome." He said.

"Thanks." I replied as he left.

"I'll go out with Ethan see if there's any plans for right now, I'll close the door." Elijah said.

"alrighty." I smiled at him.

Elijah's pov:

There was a lot of noise, it was now annoying me.

"Sketch and Bandi just got here, how we doin' guys?" FNaTiK (now MIKEYDOOD) pointed the camera to us.

"pretty good." Ethan answered.

"first impression of the house, sketch?" He now pointed the camera to me.

"It's freaking amazing, very beautiful." I answered excitedly.

"It's a pleasure to meet you man, if you don't mind I'll keep on with the tour" He chuckled.

"a pleasure to meet you too, bro" "Later." Ethan finished my sentence.

After nearly an hour of pure noise and cameras, almost everyone went inside the pool. The house was now mostly quiet.

"Y/n..." I say as I entered the room.


"are you now going to explain, that?" I asked, she took a moment to realize what I was talking about.

"..Yeah", We stayed quiet for 10 seconds.

"well... I don't want to go too into detail."

"guys, are you not going?" Ethan randomly appeared.

"shut, and sit down." I answered, he obeyed.

"one of my ex-boyfriends texted me. He has been stalking me around 3 weeks ago" she stared at the floor."He was very possessive, he'd hurt me physically and emotionally, not caring all my pleads and screams to stop" she was now holding back her tears.

"hey, don't cry" Ethan went and hugged her.

"I'm not crying."

"Do you want to continue?" I asked and Y/n nodded.

"He tries to intimidate me. I foolishly fall. Angel lived in Toronto. I guess he has been stalking me from before. He's now staying in Massachusetts" She parted away from Ethan. " I sometimes get scared walking in the streets, alone. I also feel watched all day."

"That's why you wear black clothes when you.." I asked.

"mhmm." she replied and made eye contact with me.

"So, was he in the airport?" Ethan asked.

"Not sure, but I bet he was really close..." She answered.

"He's capable to do something 'illegal'? Ethan asked, again.

"he has done so many illegal things before, why wouldn't he now?" she replied.

"Angel isn't around here, right?" I asked.

"He's still in Massachusetts, hopefully. He wouldn't be that idiot and risk everything" Y,n answered.

"Guys, aren't you coming?!" Dylan yelled from the room before ours.

"Umm, yeah give me a second." Ethan answered for us.

"dude, I'll need to go. I'll be there whenever you need me" Ethan went and hugged Y/n. We both saw Ethan leave.

Y,n got up from the floor and walked to the window. I stood up too and went to hug her.

"Somethings wrong?" She asked me.

"I'll protect you, no matter what. Promise."

Y/n's pov:

He then looked at me in the eyes. I started to feel the flutter of butterflies in my stomach. He softly smiled at me.

"Aren't you going with the others?" I asked trying to change the subject, although I was nervous.

"are you going?" He asked me.

"nah, not in a really good mood." I replied and parted away.

"well, neither am I going." Elijah said. "I'll stay making you company."

"so sweet of you." I replied, sitting in my bed.


Quick chapter? 23 days, nobody noticed...
Take it easy ;)


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2022 ⏰

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