He's The Reason Why

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Chapter 19

(Okay, please don't hate me. My junior year is keeping me crazy busy and I'm suprised I haven't lost all my sanity yet. But it's spring break so updates!!! ;) Hope you guys are enjoying it so far I've decided the sequel of this book. It's gonna be set in their senior year! But don't worry! They haven't even gotten to Christmas yet so this book isn't wven close to being done! Sorry for the short chapter but I need to get something up so you guys won't eat me alive... love you all! xoxo)

Monday. I was dreading this day. I didn't want to face Taylor or Phil. I felt like Taylor was pissed off at me and Phil plain scared me. I dumped a water bottle on him. And even though I'm small compared to him, Phil would punch my lights out in a heartbeat. Maybe he wouldn't but I don't know anymore.

He's changed so much since middle school. Phil use to be such a bright and happy guy, but he's drifted from me. Taylor's his girlfriend and he's drifted from her. They fight about it a lot, that's how I notice. Then I always try to get involved and they both get mad at me in the end. So I stopped bothering.

I slipped on a pair of sweatpants, and Jack's pull over hoodie that he had left over the weekend. It still smelled like him, cologne and everything. It relaxed me. I fixed my hair so that it feathered correctly. Then I grabbed my bag and phone and headed for the door. Soph was staying home because she felt a bit under the weather.

After driving across town, I pulled into the school parking lot. I parked in my usual spot, Jack's Corvette was already parked in the spot next to mine. I got out of my car and locked it just as Jack came around the front of my car.

"I see you're wearing my clothes again," he said with a smirk.

I looked down, blushing, "I-if it weirds you out I c-can just take it o-off."

"No no no, keep it on. I like you in my clothes. It's like sort of claiming you. Besides," he leaned down to whisper, "if you take that sweatshirt off I'm gonna want you to take all of your clothes off."

He pulled back as I blushed a deep red and lightly punch him in the arm. He threw his head back letting out a loud laugh before leaning down to kiss me on the lips. Maybe today wouldn't be so bad after all.

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