He's The Reason Why

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Chapter 27

"Fuck you Jack," I charged at him trying to use all my force to push him aside and escape through the door.

All he did was pick me up and move me away from the door. I kicked and screamed and shoved but there was no point.  Nobody was here and nobody would hear me. He set me down on a desk and held me there.

"Are you gonna sit still and let me explain, because I'll hold you down if I have to," he said. His voice was deep and quiet, his authoritative side coming out.

I sighed heavily and looked away, acknowledging that I'd be quiet long enough for him to explain himself.

"Jaime, my dad is forcing me to do this. He said that I was ruining his re-election for mayor. That girl I'm talking to is just basically a cover. He says our relationship would ruin his chances and so he forced me to end it. It's just until he's done running and then we can go back to dating. But he said we'll have to keep it a secret."

The whole time I listened, I felt my stomach twist into knot after knot. I felt as though I'd puke at any moment. Jack promised me I would never be a dirty secret. He promised me that no matter what, he'd always be proud of me.

I cleared my throat and began to speak, my voice giving away my weakness, "I... Jack you promised me I would never be a secret. I thought you were proud of me."

"Jaime, I am, but my dad."

Jack reached out to touch me but I jerked away, "How long are you going to live in your father's shadow? That's all you ever do is worry about his image. You never speak your mind or stand up for who you are as a person. I'm sick of it. This whole relationship was based solely on playing my feelings, wasn't it?"

Jack stared at me dumbfounded, not saying a word. I sniffled and wiped my eyes before turning towards the door. I stopped, resting my hand on the knob before turning back towards him, "Jack?"

He turned around slowly to look at me, "I'm finished. For good this time."

I turned the knob and exited the room, not once turning back to look at him. When I got home I collapsed on the floor in a pile of tears. My emotions flared and I couldn't control the amount of tears that fell. I was so torn.

My mom came home an hour later and found me curled in a ball on the couch. She didn't say anything, just laid me in her lap and wrapped her arms around me. I cried till I eventually fell asleep.

When I awoke, the living room was dark other than the light from the television. My mom was sat in the chair next to the couch with her legs curled up to the side. She had one hand on my hand and the other propping her head up as she napped. I smiled softly, she was always there for me when no one else was. She had her flaws, but ever since Dad left us, she stepped up and had become the best mom me and Soph could ask for.

I checked my phone, the time read 10:23. I had slept for six hours already. I sighed and scrolled through my notifications. I had texts from Jack which I instantly deleted without reading. I went to his contact and blocked his number. I then checked my other messages and noticed that Taylor texted me asking if she could stay the night. I texted her back that it would be fine.

I stood up and stretched from the couch and lightly shook my mom awake, "Mom wake up. We should go to bed."

My mom jumped slightly, looking around startled from being awakened. "What time is it Jaime?"

"It's almost 10:30, we should go and get some sleep. Thank you for sitting with me."

My mom stands up and pulls me into a hug, "Of course Jaime, I'm your mom and it's my job. Are you going to be okay?"

I shook my head and sighed, "Not right now. I'm sure I will be soon enough though. Taylor asked if she can come stay the night."

My mom nodded, "I think that's a good idea Jaime. You need each other right now. I'm off to bed, goodnight."

She gave me one last hug before she turned to walk upstairs. I turned and made my way to the kitchen. Crying a lot makes you very hungry and popcorn sounded delicious. As the popcorn popped in the microwave I heard the door that lead from the kitchen to the garage open. I turned and saw Taylor closing the door, locking it behind her. Since she basically lived here she had her own garage door opener. I chuckled at the fact that we were way more brother and sister rather than friends.

"Hey Tay," the microwave beeping as I reached up to pull the popcorn out.

"Hey Jaime," Taylor said as she set the her bag on the counter top. She sat down on the bar stool on the opposite side of the island. "Are you doing alright?"

I sighed but chuckled lightly, "Everyone has been asking me that and I honestly don't know how to answer that."

"Honestly, I know how you feel. So much has happened lately and my brain is having a hard time processing it. I have such a headache from it."

I slide the bowl of popcorn across the counter and Taylor reached in to grab a handful, "How is Phil?"

Taylor sighed and ate her popcorn quietly, "He's still the same. Emotionless, won't hardly speak, his sister has been keeping me updated but there's not much change."

I took a few kernels and ate them slowly, "I wish we could figure out what was wrong with him. It hurts to see him like this honestly."

Taylor sighed and stood up, picking up her bag. "Let's go watch The Notebook, cry our eyes out and pass out."

"Sounds like a plan to me," as I stood up and followed her to my room.

<~Next Day~>

When I got to school the next day, I saw Jack's Corvette parked in its usual spot. Oh, how I wanted to go full blown Hold Up by Beyoncé on that vehicle. He wasn't outside this time thankfully. I parked down a few spots from him and got out, grabbing my bag. Just as I closed the door a big truck pulled up next to my vehicle. A tall guy stepped out from it. I watched what happened next, not realizing I stopped walking, as his door flung open and hit the side of my car scuffing the paint.

"Oh shit!" "Hey!" We both called out at the same time. He looked down at me, startled by my outburst. "That's my car!"

"Oh shit, sorry," he exclaimed while rubbing the back of his neck. He bent down, rubbing at the dent in my passenger door. "I can fix that no problem."

I shook my head, "Excuse my language, but who the hell are you? I've never seen you here before."

He stood up again, easily towering over me. Then again who didn't? He had dark brown hair and facial hair, with an eye color to match. The complete opposite of Jack. He wore a red flannel with the sleeves rolled up, tattoos covering his arms, a white shirt underneath, dark blue skinny jeans, and heavy duty boots.

"I'm Dylan, I'm sorry I fucked up your car," he held out his hand. I shook it lightly and then let go. "Who are you?"

"I'm Jaime, and thanks for hitting my car."

"Uh yeah, I'm super sorry about that. I'm new and in a rush and I didn't mean to ding your car. I can totally fix it for you."

I sighed waving it off, "Don't worry about it."

"No for real, I'll fix it for you. It's just a dent."

I looked up at him, "You're sure?"

He smiled, "Of course, gimme your number and I'll take you down to my dad's new auto shop and, in exchange, you could maybe show me around town?"

I smiled a little bit before reaching over and putting my phone number, "Sounds like a plan."He chuckled again before he waved goodbye and took off towards the front doors.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2017 ⏰

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