He's The Reason Why

301 13 4

Chapter 11

A/N: A part of this chapter is dedicated to a fan art picture I came across on Google which I am in love with! Sorry for the long wait! I've decided that I will have a new chapter up every Friday this week being the only exception! And if I feel up to it you guys might get more than one chapter per week! Depends on my schedules and what not that goes on in life. Thank you everyone for reading so far! Almost to 400 views!!!! My baby is growing!!! Love you all!! :D

My breathed hitched in my throat and I think I blushed a thousand shades of crimson as Jack and I turned around to face my mom. I was so going to die of embarassment. I was going to tell her, but I didn't want her to find out like this. Her son's face being eaten of by another guy.

"Oh my god. M-mom you-u w-weren't s-suppose t-t-to find ou-t about it t-this w-ay!"

My mom stared for a second before she threw her head back and let out a huge laugh, "Well boys, this was very interesting."

I looked at her dumbfounded and Jack let out a nervous laugh while scratching at the back of his neck.

"Listen you two, we'll talk about this over dinner which I'm hoping your staying for Jack?"

"Yes ma'am," Jack said with a nervous smile.

"Please, call me Angela. Now Jaime, I gotta run to the shop real quick to pick up some paperwork and then I need to go to the store to get things for dinner. I'm leaving you in charge of the cupcakes that need to be finished for the bake sale."

"Okay m-mom. I'll get it done," I smiled at her giving her a hug.

"And no sex in my house."

I blushed again and heard Jack chuckle behind me, "MOM."

She laughed before climbing into her car and backing out of the driveway, waving as she drove away.

"Well, that's a disappointment. No sex," Jack said with a pervy grin.

"Shut it you big trog. Now get over here and help carry my bags in," I said with a laugh.

When everything was inside and put away, I gave Jack a tour of the house. We started in my bedroom, and when we finished we were back in my bedroom.

"Nice house you got here. I love the balcony."

"Thanks Jack. And me too, it's my favourite spot."

"Well what should we do while we wait for your mom."

"It's too early to start on the cupcakes. Wait, I got an idea!"

"What's that?"

I walked up to Jack and poked his shoulder with my finger, "You're it."

I took off out of my bedroom and down the hall. Reaching the stairs I turned to see Jack coming out of the bedroom with a grin on his face. It must've taken him a bit to register what just happened. I let out a laugh before turning and running down the stairs and into the living room. As I opened the door to the living room I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist and lift me off the ground so I couldn't run away.

I let out a squeal as I smiled, "Jack! Lemme go!"

"I don't think so cutie!"

Jack turned back around and walked in the kitchen before setting me down on the counter. I was eye level with him as he stood between my legs. I smiled and kissed the tip of his nose.

"God Jaime, I'm so glad you're mine. Mine though, no one elses."

"Jack, I know. You've told me before."

He nuzzled my neck, "I'm just making sure you know. And that everyone else does as well."

I knew Jack had his possessive/dominant side. I'd have to work on that just a bit because his protectiveness would drive me crazy. Then again I wouldn't know if it would bother me. Only time would tell.

"Hey Jack? You gonna let me down because those cupcakes need to get started."

"Naw, I'll keep you up here so I can kiss you to death," he said cheekily.

I poked his cheek, "Please?"

Jack let out a laugh before he picked me up and set me down. I walked around the kitchen getting things out and asked Jack to get me the things on the higher shelves that I could not reach. After we had all our supplies we set to work. Awhile later and Jack was mixing the cupcake batter as I got the pans ready and the stove set to the right temperature so Jack could put the batter into the pans.

"Hey Jaime?"

I turned around to answer Jack but he flung some of the vanilla batter onto my face.

"Jack! What do you think you're doing?"

Jack let out a loud laugh, "What does it look like?"

I let out a frustrated sigh before smiling up at him. I took some of the batter off my face with my finger. I thought crossed my mind just then and I was going to make Jack pay for what he did. His pervy mind wouldn't be able to cope with this.

I slowly brought my finger up to my lips and slowly sucked on my finger before pulling it out with a popping sound, all the while looking up at Jack. Jack couldn't stop staring as he blushed red.

"Mmm, "I licked at the tip of my finger. "More?"

"Absolutely not," Jack said as his blushed deepened.

I let out a laugh, grabbing a towel to wipe my face. "I got you good," trying to stifle my giggles. "The look on your face!"

Jack looked dumbfounded. All to soon the look was replaced with a grin as he leaned down to my ear, "I can't wait for that to actually happen."

He licked my ear and I all but shuddered as he pulled away laughing. I didn't think he could one up me. He was to good at this. And to be honest, I didn't mind it one bit.

He's The Reason WhyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon