He's The Reason Why

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Chapter 7

I woke up to my phone going off. I shut the alarm off and got up and then immediately remember what happened last night. I shook my head, not wanting to let him into my thoughts. I should have never even started talking to him in the first place.

I walked over to my closet and grabbed a pair of jean shorts and my gray Harvard hoodie that was my dad's. It kind of made me think he was still here every time I wore it. I walked over to the bathroom and showered. After showering I stepped out and got dressed. I was just about to pull my tshirt over my head when I stopped to look at my body.

Maybe that's why Jack was disgusted with me... no. No... I was not going to let some boy make me think those thoughts again. I slipped on the tshirt and then Dad's oversized hoodie that I basically drowned in. Thanks Mom for borrowing your short gene to me.

I grabbed my shoulder bag and slung it over my shoulder, pulling it up to slip my phone and homework from last night into it and walked downstairs to have breakfast with my sister since Mom had to leave early for her grand opening tonight. After we finished our breakfast and chatted for a bit, we went out to my car and I drove to school.

Once we arrived, I parked on the other side of the lot to avoid Jack's white Corvette. On the way there, I ended up

telling Soph everything that happened.

Besides Taylor, she was really the only one who understood me the best. When we walked through the high school entrance Soph gave me a hug and wished me luck before we turned in our opposite directions.

I walked over to my locker and I think my heart about stopped at the sight that I saw. Taylor and Phil were talking to Jack who was leaned up against my locker. I turned around to leave when I heard Taylor call out my name. Damn her for being so observant.

"Where were you going," she asked.

I faked a smile as I walked over, "I can't find my phone in my bag so I figured I left in my car."

Just then my phone went off in my bag, "Well I guess not," I said as I gave a weak smile. I could feel Jack looking down at me and it was hard to act normal with him staring me down.

Taylor let out a laugh, "Goof." She leaned into her locker to get something and that's when I felt Jack leaned down to my ear.

"We need to talk," he whispered.

"No, we don't."

"Yes we do Jaime and you know it."

"Well I'm going to ignore you for the rest of the school year. So don't try and make me talk to you because you won't be able to," I said putting a hand on my hip.

"Oh I'll make you talk to me," and with that he said his goodbyes to Taylor and Phil leaving me flustered with those six words. I shook it off though and grabbed my things for math.

Taylor and I talked about what happened yesterday and she said that he was there to apologize even though it didn't seem like that was the reason why he was there. We arrived at our Math class and I had to stop to fix my shoe. I told Taylor to go in so that I wouldn't hold her up but really I just needed to be alone for a minute to clear my head. When I stood up from fixing my shoe, Jack was at the door.

"Ladies first," he said gesturing to the door with a smirk on his face.

I brushed past him, wanting to reach up and throat chop him. Then who'd be smirking now? I sat down in my seat and talked to Taylor, completely ignoring Jack who tried to get my attention.

I was thankful that the teacher walked in just then and got the class to quiet down. He turned on the projector and shut the lights off so that he could start going over yesterday's homework. Half way through I felt Jack poking my shoulders continuously even though I continued to ignore him.

I was glad that after awhile he quit bothering me. But I spoke to soon because just then I felt one of Jack's fingers trace from my lower back up and I immediately shot foward in my desk with my hand raised and a blush creeping across my face.

"Yes Jaime," the teacher asked.

"Uh..." I froze for a second. I couldn't tell him what Jack just did, "Sir, I'm having a hard time seeing the board, could I sit in front of Taylor?"

"Sure, just try not to interrupt again."

"Yes sir."

I moved in front of Taylor, happy to have two desks between me and Jack. It wasn't that him touching me bothered me. It was the fact that I had enjoyed it. I could've sworn he snickered at me when I got up, God I wanted to tell him to go play in traffic.

<~8th Period~>

I walked to art dreading it. I didn't want to face Jack alone. I didn't want to be in the same room with him without back up. I just decided to put my headphones in as I waved to Ms. Nolan as she greeted us. I hit shuffle and my phone started playing "Break Free" by Ariana Grande. I hummed along to the lyrics trying to ignore Jack's eyes as he stared at me.

This is the part when I say I don't want ya, I'm stronger then I've been before,

This is the part when I break free, cuz I can't resist it no more.

I walked over to my bin, grabbing my things before walking over to the side of the classroom, still ignoring Jack. It was suprising that I could, but I think listening to music helped out.

We had about five minutes left of class when I finished my painting and handed it in to Ms. Nolan. She smiled and compliemented me on it before I turned to go clean my supplies. The bell rang and I walked over to my bin to finish putting my things away, trying to hurry so I wouldn't be left alone with him.

I just finished putting everything away when I turned and stood to go out the door. But I couldn't because Jack stood in the door way. I let out a frustrated groan and rubbed my hands over my face.

"You don't look so happy to see me Jaime."

I glared at him, "Yeah I'm not. The whole thing in math? Don't do it again.

"Oh come on, I know you liked it," he said with a laugh.

I just rolled my eyes and tried to move out the door but Jack moved in front of me so that I couldn't. "My God, why in the hell do I need to be so short?"

Jack laughed again, "I think it's cute."

"But you didn't think it was cute yesterday," I muttered.

"What do you mean," he asked.

"From what I can tell, you were disgusted with kissing me last night. I don't even know why you're doing this. Is it just so you can get some laughs out of it? I know I'm not attractive so you don't need to keep making fun of me for it," I said trying not to cry because I'd die before I let him see me cry.

"You think I don't find you attractive," he asked taking a step closer.

I took a step back, "Yeah, otherwise you wouldn't have looked at me like you weren't only disgusted with yourself but me as well. I know you like girls and even if I was a girl I'd stand no chance with you."

"Jaime, I... I don't want you to think I don't find you attractive because I do. I'm just really confused because I've never liked guys before."

I froze in my spot, "W-what d-d-do y-you m-m-mean," I stuttered.

"I like you Jaime."

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