He's The Reason Why

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Chapter 1

"Jaime," my mom said as she shook me, "time to get up." I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes. "Mooooommmm, five more minutes. Pllleeeaasssee," I begged. "Get up or you're going to be late and make me and your sister late," she said as she left the room. I finally managed to get up and I walked over to my closet to grab some clothes. I grapped some ripped blue skinny jeans, a gray t-shirt, and a new gray and white striped sweater from American Eagle. I walked out of my room to the bathroom. I was sort of excited for the day to start but at the same time I was so nervous. I'd only gone to this school once and that was in 1st grade. New schools always made me nervous. I just hope everything goes well.

I walked into the bathroom and into the walk in shower. It was a pretty big shower, God knows why it had to be made this big. After finishing up with getting ready, I went and grabbed my bag and my phone. I slung my bag over my shoulder and unlocked my phone. I hade a new text message from my friend Taylor who lived on the opposite side of East Village, which was my neighborhood.

T: heeey, rdy 4 school??

J: yah just gotta eat first

T: need a ride?

J: nah, i'm driving :D

T: awesome! see ya there :)

I clicked the button to lock my phone and walked downstairs and sat at the counter next to Sophie as Mom set our plates down. Sophie was texting some of her friends and I could tell she was excited for her first day. "Jaime, you're driving Soph to school right," Mom asked. "Yeah, I won't make her ride the bus because I'm the greatest brother ever," I said in a high annoying voice. Sophie laughed and lightly punched my shoulder. "Soph, you meet any boys," I asked jokingly. Mom and I laughed as she started blabbering about some guy that she would never date but she really would and then I quit laughing when she said, "I could ask you the same thing. Did YOU meet any boys?" I looked at my mom as she looked at me. Then back at my sister feeling my face start to redden. "N--NO," I said loudly as I got up and grabbed my bag. "Come on Soph, we're going to be late," I said as Mom called out to us. "Jaime, I want details tonight over dinner about this boy! Love you both have a great first day!" We both said back "Love you to mom," as we walked into the and got into my Kia Soul. This was going to be a long day.

Burgess Schools is located in the Cedar Circle, which is basically the center of town. Burgess Schools recieved it's name by containing the high school, middle school, and elementary school in one building. My mom had gone to school here when it was three seperate buildings. But the middle school had caught on fire and being that the other two buildings were old and run down as well, they tore the buildings down amd built one big one to replace all three. I parked in the lot across from the school and me and Soph walked through one of the many sets of doors.

Walking into the the lobby, it was a huge circle with a high glass ceiling. In the middle of the circle was a sitting area completed with chairs, tables, couches, and loveseats topped off with fake plants for decorations. A bunch of students, parents, and faculty memebers were sitting and talking and laughing in that area. On the opposite side of the circle were three individual offices with a sign that stated which office belonged to which school: high school, middle school, and elementary school and individual hallways that lead to each school. We both walked over to the high school office and after giving the secretary our names, she handed over our schedules and a map of the highschool. Once we walked through the hallways we gave each other a hug. "Good luck Jaime," Soph said. "You to Sophie, don't get lost. And call if you do!" We waved at each other and then she turned to the freshman section while I turned to the junior section. Like I said, this was going to be a long day.

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